Chapter 33

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Where was it?

I was sure that I had put in on my desk, only it wasn't there. I had torn the room apart, moving everything several times but I still couldn't find it. I was freaking out a little bit. Sweat coated my skin as I opened the same drawer that I had opened for the third time. Still no luck. I groaned and slid to the floor cradling my head in my hands.

"What are you doing?"

My head snapped up to see Erin standing in the doorway. Her dark hair was pulled into a ponytail, her brows creasing over her confused green eyes. "Looking. Well, I was looking."


"I wrote a letter and I can't find it now."

"Maybe you mailed it," she answered lightly walking into the room.

"It's not that kind of a letter." She looked at me like I was crazy. "It's for Jack but I know that I didn't-it doesn't matter. What are you doing here?"

"I brought you a present," she said holding out a garment bag in front of her. I had noticed it before, but didn't think that it was for me so didn't give it much thought.

I stood up off the floor and folded my arms over my chest, studying the object she was holding through narrowed eyes. "Why do you keep bring me clothes? Do you think I have none? Because I can tell you now that I do, and half of them are the one's that you bought for me."

"Yeah and?" she shrugged throwing her self on my bed and stretching like a cat. "I think you should come to prom with me and Scooter."

I felt my eyebrows come together, curiosity pulling me toward the bag. I didn't deny that I wanted to know what was in it, but I also didn't want her to think that I wanted to go to prom either. "You want me to be the third wheel at your prom?"

"It's not my prom," she denied sitting upright. "Look, prom is a rite of passage. It's where we say goodbye to high school and hello to our future."

"That was oddly poetic," I told her arching an eyebrow and sitting next to her.

"Whatever," she huffed. "I am not going to let you miss it because you feel bad that Jack is not talking to you."


"I wasn't trying to be. I'm not going to let you stay at home alone and think and feel sorry for yourself. So please come with me. If you don't I'll have to stay with you because I can't let you be by yourself and all my dreams of going to prom will be crushed and you'll have to explain to Scooter why I'm bailing on him just hours before the dance which in turn means his entire team will make fun of him for his date bailing on him."

I blinked at the fact that all of that was said in one breath. "Are you honestly trying to guilt me into going with you guys?"

She grinned and it was hard not to return. "Is it working?" I shook my head. "Worth a try. So will you crush my dreams of prom or will you come with me? And if need be I can always recruit your mom to help me convince you."

I narrowed my eyes at her, my mom would probably side with her. The smile that she gave me then let me know that she had seen the decision in my eyes and knew I wasn't going to say no to her. I sighed heavily and fell back unto the bed. "Fine," I conceded. "I'll let you take me to prom."

She squealed excitedly clapping her hands together making me laugh loudly.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and held in my gasp. The dress was beautiful, not that I had expected that it wouldn't be. Everything Erin had bought me was always pretty, but this just took my breath away. It was a pale blue with a sparkly, fitted bodice and a flowing skirt that brushed the floor. It cinched in my waist and showed off my shoulders. I moved and the varying shades of blue on the skirt danced reminding me of flowing water.

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