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"anna," my dad sighs as he unloads my bags from his trunk. "are you sure this is how you want to spend your summer? in a house with people you don't really know?"

i smile reassuringly. "we went through this already, dad. they're helping me with my college recommendation letter. and i'm not even going to be staying in their house, they have a guest house. plus, all i have to do all day is drive a golf cart."

he sighs, looking at me proudly. "i know, i know. this family is amazing, but you can always back out. we can spend summer back on the east coast? crab hunting?"

i laugh a little at his enthusiasm and sling my backpack over my shoulder. "i promise we'll finish the tradition before i leave for college. i'll have a week when i get back."

"i'll see you at the end of august?" he asks, opening his arms.

i step into them, graciously accepting the warm hug. "i promise."

"oh by the way," he says, pulling away. "tell lisa i say hi, alright?"

"got it," i smile, sticking a strand of my long, blonde hair behind my ear. "but if she tries to tell me stories of your guys' college days, i'm out."

he laughs, patting my back and kissing the top of my head. a guy at the gate comes and helps me carry my bags, and i turn around to say one last goodbye.

"i'll write!" i call to him as he leans against his car, hand up in a wave.

"call me everyday!" he smiles.

i grin at him before turning back towards the ginormous house.

this is where i begin my new summer.

i'm spending it on the grounds of the dolan's country club, and i'm getting paid and a recommendation letter to my dream college. all i have to do is sit out in the hot sun and steer privileged, snobby teenagers around.

"my name is hank, i'm the front gate security," the man who took my bags says, reaching out a hand.

i shake it firmly and take note of his radio. i hear static and quiet voices coming from it, so there must be others.

"i'm anna, nice to meet you," i smile.

he chuckles. "staying here for the summer?"

i shrug. "kind of. in the guest house, at least. i'm the golf cart driver for the summer."

"ahh," he says. "you must be working just with the dolan family then?"

i wrinkle my nose. "i don't really know. i thought i'd be driving anyone around, but maybe?"

"they wouldn't give you the whole guest house if you weren't working privately with only them," he whispers with a smile. "enjoy it, they're a nice family."

"so i've heard. my dad's been friends with them since college."

suddenly, his eyes loose the happy glimmer. "yeah, it's quite a shame about mr. dolan. he was a good man."

i nod. "my father told me all about him."

hank nods, picking up my bags again. "well, i'll help you into the house. i'm sure they're waiting for you."

he leads me up a long, stone walkway up onto a beautiful porch. i spot a doorbell on the side, and he motions for me to press it.

even the doorbell sounds rich as it echoes through the house and faintly in the porch.

a woman swings it open almost immediately, a stern look on her face. i can tell immediately that this is not lisa dolan.

"i hope your shoes aren't muddy, i just cleaned the floor. hurry in," she ushers.

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