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"this is pointless," i say, letting my 5-iron drop to the ground.

anna frowns, picking it back up and holding it out to me. her eyes glimmer in the moonlight as she locks them feverishly with mine. "you know how to do it, so do it."

i grumble, taking the club and getting into position. i swing back, and then down. of course, the club swings over the ball, missing it completely.

"you're not coming down at the ball," she says. "try again."

"last time you told me i was chopping too much. pick a side, anna."

she smiles. "do as i say."

"and if i don't?" i question.

she shrugs. "then i'll quit and you'll suck forever."

i tilt my head. "and then i'll tell the entire club that you're a filthy liar," i say teasingly.

she glares. "just do it, dolan."

i sigh, trying again. this time i don't swing over the ball, but rather in front of it.

"take a step back," she says. "you're too close."

i huffily shuffle a couple of inches backwards, and she frowns.

"more," she instructs.

"how much more?" i yell. "my patience at 1 am is very thin."

anna takes a step forward, pushing my shoulders lightly. i stumble backward a little and she smiles.

"there. that should be good."

i let her scramble out of the way as i swing my club back, and feel the energy pulsing through my veins.

swinging back down, i feel the club come in sharp contact with the golf ball, making a whacking sound that i've only ever heard from grayson's clubs.

i rotate my hips, facing my target and search for my ball as it soars through the starry sky.

"dude!" i hear anna exclaim. "you did it!"

i can't help the grin that takes over my face. "oh my god i did it."

she whoops into the night sky and i find myself laughing at her enthusiasm.

"where'd it go?" she suddenly asks, turning around quickly.

i shrug. "i don't know. does it really matter?"

"that was my favorite ball," she frowns. "it had my initials on it."

"why was i using your balls?" i question.

she shrugs. "we ran out of yours 15 minutes ago. i was just being nice."

i sigh. "fine, let's go find it."

"no it's okay," she says, pulling my arm back. "i just... they don't matter anyway."

i raise an eyebrow. "are you sure?"

she nods. "positive."

the sound of my text ringtone makes me groan, and i reach for my pockets. i don't feel it.

"over here," anna says, holding my phone that i must've dropped on the ground. "who's maddie and why is she asking if the guest house is open?"

i yank my phone from her grasp, where the look on her face is teasing.

"don't read my texts," i say huffily, red faced and pocketing my phone.

she giggles loopily. "do you hate me because i stole your hookup spot?"

"no," i scoff. "i could find a gazillion other places."

she takes a step forward, eyes curious and innocent.
"then why?" she asks.

i search for an answer, but i can't seem to find one that works.

"let's go," i say eventually. "it's pretty late."

"no," she says softly. "answer my question. why do you hate me so much?"

stone faced and hard, i answer, "because you're pretty easy to hate. let's go."

i see a wave of hurt flash through her eyes, but i turn away before i give myself the chance to feel bad.

i pack up my bag and sling it over my back, already heading for the exit. she runs to catch up with me, but i speed up even more, and after a few moments, she just gives up trying.

"how was your date with liam?" i call out into the open air, my tone mocking.

"it was amazing!" she yells back, sounding angry. "you have no idea about any of the other members here, ethan. you have no clue what any of them are actually like. you're too worried about yourself all the time!"

i swivel around, making her stop in her tracks.

"i have a good goddamn sense of every single person that has ever been a member of this club," i whisper angrily, stepping close to her face. she blinks, surprised by my outburst. "so don't just show up here, thinking you know everything about me and my family. just face it—you don't."

her face hardens as she spits back, "i hope i never come across another rich, stuck-up prick like you ever again in my entire life, ethan dolan."

i laugh humorlessly. "listen princess, you work for me. no matter what you want to think, you work for me. talking like that will not help you in the long run."

the anger on her flushed face makes me smirk as i turn right back around and continue walking back to the house.

i hear her angry stomps behind me the entire time, and i only look back at her when we part ways in the front lawn. she goes left, i go straight.

i sigh when i put my clubs away in the garage, and tip-toe up to my room.

instead of slipping into my bed like i normally would, i watch out my window until i see the guest house lights turn off.

only then do i allow myself to sleep.

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