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"no, no ethan stop!" i laugh, trying to scramble out of his tight grasp.

his humorous eyes look over me, and i look down at the threat of the warm pool.

"i just washed my hair," i warn. "and if you throw me in i'll have chlorine in it and—"

a second later, i'm plummeting to the bottom of the pool, and clawing my way up to the surface. when i break the surface tension, i come up sputtering and wiping hair from my eyes.

"jerk!" i yell. "i was just trying to get gas for the cart."

"in a swimsuit?" ethan calls to me, reaching out to grab my hand, pulling me out of the water. "i don't think so. you were pretty much daring me to push you in. it was too easy, anna."

i laugh a little, wiping my eyes as i sit on the edge of the pool. technically i came out here to sneak down onto the beach to see if i could find ethan any seashells, but he caught me before i could.

"what're you even doing out here anyway?" i ask, looking down at my tanned stomach against the bright purple of my haltered swimsuit. my burn eventually evened out, like ethan said it would.

"i saw you come out of the guest house from my window. i haven't seen you in a bit."

"you saw me yesterday, first of all. and did you just admit to watching me?" i taunt.

he shrugs playfully, sitting down on the side next to me. "i do my share of stalking, princess."

throwing my head back, i let out a loud laugh. "remember that night when we were mouthing off to each other? at the golf course? when you first called me princess i internally punched you."

"why didn't you actually?" he asks, mock-offended. "i could've taken it."

i nudge his shoulder with mine, running my fingers through my now tangled hair. "you were so egotistical, ethan dolan."

"i'm not anymore?"

"oh no you are," i reassure quickly, getting a light chuckle from him. "you just don't show it to me as much."

he looks at me with amusement and sighs. "i wish i knew for sure what exact moment drew me to you."

"the pond between holes 6 and 7, for me."

he looks confused for a moment. "what?"

"monster pond," i smile, looking out at the horizon. "that night we broke into the snack bar. you made me the best mango smoothie i had ever tasted, and then made me strip down and jump into a slimy, repulsive pond with you."

"that was when?" he asks quietly.

"yeah," i tilt my head. "i think so. i remember being happy when you said you liked scrabble, and even when you made fun of my robe relentlessly."

"that was a tough moment for my ego," he hits his chest hard. "if i had to guess what mine was..."

i lean in a little, feeling slightly nervous, but insanely curious.

"... it would be when you hugged me. on the beach walk, after my little meltdown."

my face lights up at the memory of ethan being sensitive and vulnerable for the first time. it really let me into his emotions, and i could start to see through him a little bit.

"what can i say? i give good hugs," i shrug casually, talking my self up in a teasing tone.

"that you do," the corners of his mouth quirks up.

there's fallen silence between the two of us, the only audible sounds being the seagulls down at the beach. i splash my foot in the pool water a little bit, staring down at my reflection.

"ethan," i say eventually.

he hums in response.

"why doesn't your mom like me?"

he whips his head around to me, a stern look on his face, but i can tell it's not directed at me. "what did she say to you? tell me now, anna, or else—"

"nothing, nothing," i say quickly, trying to relax his tone. "she just... i don't know. i get the vibe she doesn't like me as much as she used to."

ethan looks around in all directions before standing up promptly, and pulling me up with him.

"woah," i babble as he grips me by my underarms and stands me on my feet. "what's going on?"

"follow me," he hisses, grabbing my hand and ducking behind the shrubbery, heading for the guest house.

"why're we going so fast— ow ow, you're hurting my wrist," i say, trying to get away from his tight grasp.

at my complaint, he immediately loosens his grip, but doesn't stop pulling me with him until we're in the guest house kitchen.

"what was that?" i ask in utter awe, still rubbing my wrist.

ethan runs his hands through his hair, pacing the tile floor slightly. "i thought she wouldn't say anything to you... why would she make you think that..." he mumbles quietly.

"ethan!" i exclaim, grabbing his arm. "what're you saying? i'm just saying i don't think your mom likes me—"

"she doesn't!" he exclaims out of pure exasperation.

i take a step back, blinking. "oh."

"no," he quickly reassures, pulling me back into him. "she loves you. she thinks you're a great girl, but she doesn't like me with you. does that make sense?"

"so she likes me... but she doesn't like me? what? and you told her about us? ethan that wasn't in the plan."

"i didn't tell her anything," he promises. "she's just been assuming stuff and she told me a bunch of horrible things about who i should be dating."

"like what?" i press further.

"she just said i have to be with someone from california, is a member of the club, and has connections, pretty much," he blurts out.

"i'm... none of those things."

he lowers his eyes to his feet. "i know, and that's why she doesn't like... this," he motions between the two of us.

i breathe out deeply. "okay. so there's multiple flaws in this. one, i'm leaving at the end of summer. two, i'll be far away from you for college, possibly. and three, your mom doesn't like me."

"but that's it, i promise."

"that's it?" i almost yell. "ethan... that's major stuff."

"wait— are you breaking up with me after four days?" he asks in bewilderment.

"no no no," i reassure quickly. "i'm just saying... we have to acknowledge those things or else we'll have to deal with them all at once."

"so which one do we start with first?"

"how about we get your mom to like me."

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