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the sound of music and having fun makes my ears bleed, especially when it's coming from the beach.

i stare out my window at the ranch party that eventually congregated down by the water, like i knew it would.

surprisingly, i see anna in the middle of it all. everyone seems to want to talk to her.

for what reasons? i don't know.

i huffily close my blinds and slip in my airpods, trying to drown out the noise with some music.

but it all floods back to me.

the fun i would have at those parties, the beach that i wouldn't think twice about stepping on, and the people that i could actually tolerate.

it all became too artificial for me.

whoever said money can't buy happiness was right.

i close my eyes as my head rests on my pillow and my foot taps along to the beat of the songs that take up my playlists.

a couple of minutes later, i decide i want to take another peek outside.

i lift up my blinds slowly, and glance quickly.

what i see surprises me.

anna talking to liam webb.

the guy is a golf prodigy, and very favored among the girls. the fact that he's engaging in a seemingly fun conversation with her surprises me immensely.

i watch as she throws her head back in laughter as something he says, nudging his shoulder lightly.

he grins at her, continuing to "accidentally" brush her arm with his hand every now and then.

i mean, come on. everyone knows it's not an accident. you're not slick, liam.

but she's eating it up. every word he says, she hangs off it like a puppy following its owner.

for a split second, i debate on warning her about his womanizing tendencies.

then i decide against it. it actually might be kind of fun to see this all unfold and fall to pieces. maybe it'll be my drama for the summer?

whatever it turns out to be, i hope she stays the hell away from me.

i tug on a sweatshirt and slip out the front door, wanting to go for a walk to clear my mind. my usually route is the beach access walkway that stretches the length of the sand, which is about one mile.

i avoid stepping on sand, water, rocks, or anything beach related as i take my midnight stroll the moon is bright again tonight.

the sound of laughing and voices makes me duck behind a near shower that's used for washing your feet when you come back from the sand.

i furrow my eyebrows and listen closely.

"i'm so glad you're a new member here," i hear a voice i can only recognize as jackie demarco. "some one the regulars were getting really boring."

"yeah... i'm really glad too," i hear.

i don't recognize the voice, so i peek my head out slightly to see the face.

i hold in my surprise when i see that it's anna.

"well, i'll see you tomorrow. are you available for brunch at 9?"

i smirk, knowing her answer.
"oh this should be good," i mumble to myself.

"i'm actually kind of busy at 9," anna replies nervously.

jackie hesitates. "doing what?"

"yoga," anna responds quickly. "yeah... yoga in the morning."

i roll my eyes. this girl is a liar.

"okay," jackie says. "well just text me then. we can go surfing or something."

i don't hear anna's reply, but i do hear jackie clomp down the beach walk and back to the ranch.

anna sighs in relief, and i decide to slip out from my hiding spot.

"you're such a liar."

she jumps when she sees me, a horrified look on her face. "ethan, please don't—"

i laugh humorously. "please don't what? tell everyone that you're faking it? that you're not a club member? that you live and work in my guest house?"

she swallows. "yes, if that's possible."

i step closer to her, making her lower her eyes.
"so this is what we're going to do now? lie to make friends? good luck with them, anna. in the end, all they're going to do is tear you down and leave you with no dignity."

"jackie wouldn't do that," she says confidently.

"she's done it to everyone," i laugh again. "and you're next. you're no exception."

"okay, i can deal with that. but please, please don't tell everyone i was lying," he voice and eyes reek with desperation, and i smirk.

"we'll see," i simply say, turning back to the house.

she calls her protests to me, but i ignore them. it feels good to have this leverage on someone, especially her.

technically, i could get her to be the most hated girl in the entire club in a matter of a blast text message.

but i'm going to save it for a day that she's really pissing me off.

so i slip into my bed happily and let myself fall into a fast, dreamless sleep.

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