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at 3:45, i find myself glaring at the white bronco that sits in the driveway of the guest house.

i like to take walks to clear my head, and seeing it does not clear my head.

shoving my hands in my pockets, i continue my walk around the grounds. the echo of anna's laughter makes me shake my head, and try to tune it out.

liam webb bothers me.

he bothers everyone, but no one has the guts to tell him.

the voices become clearer as i stray closer to the guest house. a sudden urge to listen comes over me, and i don't resist it.

ducking behind a pillar on the side of the house, i peek my head out a little.

they're sitting so close together in the hot tub i wonder if she's literally on his lap. but then she shifts, and i know she's not.

"okay," i hear her say. "what's your favorite... vacation spot?"

liam smiles. "i would have to say cancun. i go there every spring break with my friends from the club."

yeah, i was never invited.

anna giggles a little, tilting her head back. "who's your favorite music artist?"

"i would probably say drake," he answers, and i almost gag. "you?"

she thinks for a moment. "probably tame impala."

that surprises me honestly. but then i think about it, and i realize she is exactly the type of person to listen to tame.

"never heard of them," liam laughs, reaching out to push a strand of her hair back. she lets him, with a small smile.

him. never heard of him. kevin parker is not a band, liam.

"i like your eyes," anna says, tilting her head to the side a little.

"thanks. my mom gave them to me."

she laughs, like that's the funniest thing in the world.

"i've heard that joke at least a billion times," i mumble to myself, shaking my head.

i peek my head back out again, and almost give a small yell when i see the space between them gradually closing.

making out in a hotub is very 2016 coming of age movie-ish.

i turn away when i see the kiss deepen, and try to control my gag reflexes.

not wanting to move and turn attention to myself, i stand there for a couple more minutes and try not to listen to the kissing noises. gross.

just as i'm about to leave my spot, anna's voice makes me pause.

"wait— no," she says, voice small and tight.

"what?" i hear him mumble.

i stick my head out again, and furrow my eyebrows at what i see.

anna holds liam's hands back by his wrists, and gradually starts to scoot away from him.

"i don't want you to do that," she says quietly, almost apologetically.

liam looks confused. "well, why not?"

"i just don't. i'm sorry," she says.

why is she apologizing? because he can't seem to keep his hands to himself?

liam looks at her weirdly for a second, then his smile returns. "oh, i see. you're just playing with me."

he reaches out to kiss her again, placing his hand back in the water where i can't see. it gives me the creeps.

she jumps back, pushing his chest a little. "no, i'm actually not playing with you."

come on, anna, i urge silently. use a tougher voice than that.

liam doesn't budge and tries to move in on her again.

her face looks defeated as she tries to scoot away.

i freeze. should i be doing something? i don't know how to work in these situations.

"hey, come on," liam frowns. "don't be a—"

"anna!" i call, moving from my spot impulsively.

her shoulders immediately relax when they both see me.

"yes?" she yells back.

"i need your help. with... organizing."

she gives me a funny look, but plays along. "of course. sorry liam, i have to.... organize?"

liam glares at me. "she's not your maid, ethan."

and she's not your toy, liam.

"i know," is what i respond with. "but she color coordinates everything. it's cool."

anna gets out of the hot tub, grabbing a towel from the side. liam scoffs as he watches her walk to me.

"wait, what am i supposed to do?" he asks.

anna looks apologetic. "i'll call you later, okay?"

she's still gonna call him after that?!

he finally gives in, nodding and climbing out too.

we watch him get into his car and leave, and anna immediately let's out a big breath.

"oh my god you have no clue what you just saved me from," she gushes, turning to me.

"actually i do," i say. she looks confused. "i was taking a walk and i overheard."

"you were eavesdropping," she accuses.

"overheard. but the details don't matter. you need to stand up for yourself, anna," i warn.

"i tried," she groans. "he's just persistent."

"he's just a douche," i correct.

"don't talk about him like that," she says, but her authority behind it is weak.

i roll my eyes. "you're brainwashed. can't you see what he's doing?"

"what's he doing then?" she yells. "he's taking interest in me. i'm sorry if you think i'm not worth someone's time, but this isn't your life, ethan."

i clench my jaw. "you'll find out sooner or later."

"fine then, but at least i'll be on my way home and not have to deal with you all the time!" she says, stomping away into the guest house.

i want to call after her, but my ego just won't let me.

"well that's too bad," i mumble, starting on my walk back up. "i actually did need my closet color coordinated."

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