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"it's up there!" anna exclaims, pointing past a small wooden sign with an arrow painted on it, directing hikers to go upward.

"i see," i laugh, following her giddy self up to the top of the ledge. no one is behind us or ahead of us, so the only sound is our footsteps and trees brushing against each other.

a rock juts out off the cliff, looking over a river of water. the drop looks long, so i only step one foot on the rock.

anna tosses me a smile over he shoulder, and holds out her hand. "come on, we'll be fine if we stay in the middle."

sighing, i take her offered hand and let her pull
me out onto the cliff. the water below runs smoothly, and i glance at the small information board that's set up.

i squint to read it. "heather's ledge was named after heath ankins and esther jones. the two fell in love in the 1950s while they were 60 years old. this spot was journaled to be where they hiked every morning to watch the sunrise. when esther got too old to make the climb, heath carried her up to the ledge, up until her last day. the couple died only four days apart. esther of old age, and heath of heartbreak."

"aw," i hear anna whisper. "that's so sad, but also really beautiful at the same time."

i nod and swallow, turning back to her. "very."

anna tilts her head a little bit, a smile playing on the corner of her busted lip. the slight wind tosses the wisps of her hair around, and sunlight streams in her eyes.

in this moment, i can't believe that she's mine.

my girl.

"i like heather's ledge," she eventually says, taking a seat on the rock.

"be careful," i laugh, crouching down next to her. "falling down the trail is enough, i don't need you falling off a cliff."

she throws her head back in laughter, and reaches for my water bottle.

"hey!" i say when i see her chugging half of it. "didn't you bring your own?"

"you can have mine then," she shrugs, wiping her mouth. "yours was easy reach."

i'm about to open my mouth to say something, when she pulls out her phone and ushers me close to her.

"smile big, with teeth, you idiot," she instructs playfully as i rest my chin on her shoulder, and she snaps a picture.

the lighting looks a little odd, but it's the best we can do.

we try a couple more angles, even setting the phone on the trail and putting on a ten second timer.

each time we fail, we laugh and try again.

we're on our hundredth picture when an older lady walking her small dog approaches the peak.

"oh sorry," i say, scrambling to get up and let her have a turn.

i grab anna's hands to hoist her up, but the lady just smiles.

"no worries, i wasn't going to stop. i'm too scared of heights to go on the ledge."

anna laughs, pointing at me. "he is too."

i blush red, but she just laughs and spots anna's phone on the ground.

"do you need me to take your picture?"

anna and i look at each other.

"if that's not asking too much," anna replies sheepishly, standing up to get her phone.

"not at all," the lady waves her hand before taking the phone. "my grandson taught me how to work these. just the little white button, right?"

i smile. "yes."

the dog at her feet sits patiently as she holds anna's phone up, and we get into position.

she hugs me sideways tightly, and i tilt my head with a smile, resting my hand on the small of her back, and the other at my side.

"a couple more?" the lady calls out.

"please," anna nods.

for this picture, i kiss the side of anna's forehead, right on the temple, just for a moment.

but by the way the lady is smiling as she hands back the phone, i know she got the picture.

"thank you so much!" we chorus out as she walks away.

"you're welcome! enjoy your hike, you guys."

anna turns back to me with a grin. "my lip and arms and legs are busted in these photos, but they're still good."

i take her phone from her hands and quickly type in her password. it opens up directly to the photo gallery, and with each swipe, i feel my smile getting wider.

and of course, the kiss photo.

the look on anna's face is enough to give a grown man butterflies and not even be embarrassed by it. she's so beautiful, and she knows it too. but she'd never let anyone think that.

"i'm going to be really sad when i leave," i hear her mumble.

"what?" i ask, an eyebrow raised.

"nothing," she recovers with a smile, but it wavers. "just talking to myself. wanna head up to inspiration peak?"

i nod and she tosses her bag back on her shoulders.

my chest feels a couple pounds heavier as i think about her leaving, but reassurance comes over me when she slips her small hand into mine.

as she giggles, dragging me up the trail once again, i contemplate the overbearing amount of feelings i have toward her.

and at this very moment i know—

— i'm starting to fall in love.

summer romance (e.d.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant