38. Forgiveness

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It took two rings before his gruff voice answered. "Hello?"

"Parker. Meet me at Mirabella's in an hour if you want to see me. I want to see you. Okay? Alright. Bye."

Short and sweet. I didn't want to hear if he disagreed. I would face the disappointment if he doesn't show up but right now, I can only be hopeful. So I hung up before I could hear his response.

My heart was beating wildly, with an adrenaline rush of fear coursing through my veins. Would he show up?

I do have an hour so might as well make myself look presentable. If I was going to confront him, I better look hot doing it.

I ventured into the depths of my closet, trying to find a suitable outfit for the occasion. What do you wear to a meeting with your somewhat ex boyfriend who put me to bed when I was drunk out of my mind last night? A wrap dress will do! Hanging up in the back, there was a simple black wrap dress that either got here from being Carly's or Carly bought for me during a long and drooling shopping trip. It was low cut, showing off some cleavage and was very mini which made me worry that one wrong move and I could flash someone.

I stepped into it quickly, the soft material clinging to my chest and giving me a defined waist. I did a double check in the mirror that it did in fact look good. You know, I'm liking these 'new me' outfits! I felt a rush of confidence in it.

I found my pair of black Chucks lying near my bedroom door and threw them on. Yes, my fashion sense is changing for the better but no, will I not switch out my sneakers for a non comfortable cute pair of shoes.

I headed downstairs in a rush to get to the bake shop before Parker did so I could mentally prepare myself for the worst case scenario and know that I hadn't missed him or something. I was almost out the door with my keys and phone in one hand before my mother's voice halted my steps.

"Where are you going, sweetie?" She walked out from the kitchen as I slowly turned around.

Do I tell her? She is your mom after all... "Erm, out."

"Out where?" She tried to hide a smile as she walked closer and gently folded her arms across her chest, urging me to continue.

"Out to see Parker," I said quietly. Too quietly because she squinted at me, a smile still breaking out onto her face.

"What was that?" I sighed, knowing I would have to come right out and say it.

"I'm going to see Parker."

"Parker Collins?" Geez, like she needed clarity.

"Yes mom. The only Parker you and I both know." I fidgeted in my spot, not wanting to talk about this any longer, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get going so I'm not late."

She smirked, "Not late to your date, huh?"

I groaned, "No mom, it's not- urg just- I gotta go." I turned back around to the front door, pulling it open and stepping through but before I closed it behind me I could hear her voice call out, "have fun!"


I think I got here too early... My stomach was in knots as I looked down at my phone's lock screen. 12:48, it read. I had just sat down at a private corner table that gave me a direct view of the door where I would hopefully see a brown haired boy very soon. I was regretting getting here just a bit too early because ten minutes felt like a lifetime when I didn't even know if he would show. If he did show, I would be even more nervous about what I would say to him. Do I want to get back together? Do I just want to be friends? I hadn't thought far ahead enough to know what I really wanted.

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