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Ahsoka picked up Rex, bridal holding him in her arms. She gasped, Rex was kriffing heavy. Usually Ahsoka was strong, but she used most of her energy to heal Rex and she was very weak. It was extremely hard to carry Rex, especially since he was so big compared to Ahsoka. Once she got a good grip on him, Ahsoka walked as fast as she could off the ship.

"Help!" she screamed.

No one answered. Only the sounds of animals and the whistling wind could be heard. Ahsoka stumbled farther from the ship. But where was she going? She had no idea. She just shuffled as quickly as she could, searching for someone, anyone that could help Rex.

"Please!" she cried, "My friend needs help!"

Suddenly her foot caught against a rock and she crashed to the ground. Rex fell out of her arms next to her, and Ahsoka held her breath hoping she hadn't hurt the clone anymore. She looked back at the ship to see a lot more damage than she expected.

The ship itself was on fire, charred, and just completely destroyed. Parts of the ship were hanging by what seemed like a single wire, and every other second sparks flew of various places. The windshield was shattered, along with all the windows. Ahsoka sighed, they weren't getting off this planet for a while.

Suddenly something rustled in the bushes and Ahsoka whirled around, her blaster in hand. She put herself in front of Rex, if they wanted him they would have to get through her.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" a familiar voice said, "I thought you knew me better"

A boy with messy brown hair and blue eyes stepped out. He was holding his hands out, a smirk on his face.

"Lux?" Ahsoka sighed in relief.

"Ahsoka" Lux smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"Does that explain it?" Ahsoka chuckled nodding to their ship.

"I'm afraid it does," Lux laughed. "It's so good to see you" he began, going in for a hug.

Ahsoka flinched away and Lux backed up, clearly embarrassed.

"Oh um s-sorry" he stammered.

"It's fine" Ahsoka muttered, "I need your help"

"With what?" Lux asked.

"My friend, Rex," Ahsoka said, kneeling beside Rex, "He's hurt. He needs medical attention" "And it looks like we're going to be here awhile"

Lux cocked his head at Rex, "So it seems"

"Do you think you can help him?" Ahsoka questioned hopefully.

"I can't" Lux said, "But I know someone who can. There's a camp not too far from here, I'm staying there only temporarily." "If we get Rex there someone could surely help him"

"Thanks for everything Lux," Ahsoka said with a soft smile.

"Anything for you Ahsoka" Lux replied.

Ahsoka coughed out of awkwardness and began to pick Rex back up.

"Here let me help," Lux rushed in.

He put one of Rex's arms around his neck and pulled Rex to his feet. Ahsoka got Rex's other arm and Lux led the way to his camp. Ahsoka had mixed feelings about meeting Lux. She hadn't expected to see him again. She didn't really want to see him again. To be honest, she was sad when they parted last but got over it quickly. He was a friend, only a friend. A memory of them kissing came flooding back and Ahsoka shoved it away. She just wanted to forget that mishap. It was just to keep their cover, that's all it was. Rex would be furious if he found out. She was planning on telling him, Ahsoka just needed the perfect timing.

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