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"We have to do what?!" Rex yelled furiously.

"Things around here might not be like your clone antics, but it gets the job done" Garm flicked his tongue out.

"I think we can find another way to get money" Rex snarled, "Come on Ahsoka"

He tugged at her arm, but she wouldn't budge.

"Rex..." she started, "I know you might not like it but he's right"

Rex looked from Ahsoka to Garm in shock.

"B-b-but" he stuttered.

"Trust me. I'll be fine. We'll be fine" She assured him, landing a small kiss on his cheek.

Lux flinched, crossing his arms and giving a small huff.

Rex still looked unsure, "What if you get hurt?"

"I can handle myself" Ahsoka pointed out, "Don't worry about me, we have to get out of here"

Rex nodded slowly, turning back to Garm.

"Ok" he muttered solemnly.

"Garm what did you have in mind?" Ahsoka asked.

"There's a salt mine not that far from here" he suggested, "Pays about ten credits an hour"

Rex shivered, his face suddenly grim. They were going to a mine. Like the mine he had to work in at the slave processing facility on Kadavo. Rex shivered at the thought. He was whipped if he didn't work hard enough, and the lashes left permanent scars. Rex clenched his fist, a threatening look falling across his face.

"No! We aren't going to mine like some slaves!" he yelled.

Realization hit Ahsoka harder than a boulder. The mines reminded Rex of when he was a slave on Kadavo. Ahsoka's heart ached for him, but this might be the only way to get the money they need. He didn't have to go to the mines with her. Ahsoka was fine with Rex doing another task for credits.

"Rex" Ahsoka comforted, "It's alright"

"No!" he cried, laughing on the edge of hysteria, "It's not! I'm not working in a mine again"

Ahsoka sighed, "You don't have to, I will"

Rex looked taken aback, "Ahsoka please!"

She put a hand up, a stern expression on her face. Rex's lip curled out of a mixture of surprise and anger.

"I'll go too" Lux spoke up for the first time in awhile.

Rex whirled around to look at the boy. If Lux was going, so was he. He wasn't going to let him kriff up the relationship Rex and Ahsoka had. He would go, even though he was terrified to be in a mine again. What other choice did he have? Sit back and watch as this shavit brain took Ahsoka from him? Not on his watch.

"I guess I'll come too" he muttered, shaking off his fear.

"Rex, you don't have to" Ahsoka started.

Rex took Ahsoka's hand and their fingers intertwined. He delicately nudged the side of her cheek with his thumb before giving a soft smile.

"We need to get out of here" he pointed out, "And this might be our only chance to get the money to buy a ship. I'm coming"

Ahsoka's eyes darted back and forth and she stepped closer to him.

"Are you sure?" she asked, a worried look plastered on her face.

Rex hesitated, contemplating his decisions. He wanted to get off this planet, but was this the way to do that? He was terrified to go back into a mine, but they needed the money.

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