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Rex scanned the area, making note of the three guards at every entrance. Their armor was similar to that of the clones, but the helmets were oddly shaped. He waited and watched, memorizing when they were out of sight. If he couldn't see them, they couldn't see him. He made a plan to sneak in an entrance while in this blind spot, and hopefully not draw any attention to himself. He also kept his eyes peeled for any of the remaining clones. None. Rex heaved a sigh before going over the plan in his mind one last time.

The guards at the entrance closest to him were about to be in the blind spot soon. He had to time this perfectly, or else the entire prison would know he was here, and this stealth mission wouldn't catch the guards by surprise. The guards walked away from the door and Rex shot out from behind his hiding spot and ran as fast as he could towards the door. The setting sun helped disguise him as just another shadow and he quickly arrived at a large metal door. He tried to open it and his heart dropped. It was locked.

Before he knew it he was running back to his hiding spot and panicking. What was he going to do? He looked at the little timer in the corner, 8 hours. He had wasted so much time hatching a plan and memorizing the schedule and now his time was running out.

"Kriff" he cursed under his breath, his mind racing, trying to find a solution to the problem.

A light bulb went off in his brain, and whatever hope Rex had left started to grow. A distraction ought to do the trick. Rex aimed his pistols and shot a single charge at a nearby bush. Sure enough the guards dashed over to where the shot was fired. Rex took this opportunity to run back over to the door. This time, he shot the lock and dashed through the door. Then he ran.

Right when the guards got back, they would know that someone had gotten inside. So Rex had to be quick. Where were they? He flew down corridors filled with surprised prisoners. How would he ever find the Weequays in this maze? Maybe a nearby control center. That could work.

His feet pounded the ground as Rex ran down the long halls. He couldn't find this Kriffing Control Room!

"Where is it?" Rex grumbled under his breath, being careful to stay quiet.

Suddenly a voice boomed over loudspeakers and Rex knew this was no longer a stealth mission. They knew he was here.


Rex just pushed himself to go faster, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. If he didn't find this Control Center quick, he'd be captured as well. Then, out of nowhere, a blaster shot just barely missed his shoulder. Rex whirled around to see three guards gaining on his tail.

"Just perfect" he groaned.

"Stop right there!" a storm trooper called.

Rex shot behind him, luckily hitting one of the troopers in the knee. But he didn't stop running. The guards kept getting closer and closer and Rex was getting tired. Finally he saw a little sign that said, "Control Center" His heart skipped a beat and he barged through the door, closing it behind him. He was safe.

Then the clicks of charges being put in place rang in his ears. He slowly put his hands up, a firm grip on his pistols.

"Don't move!" an imperial officer shouted, his blaster shaking in his hand.

Behind him were four more officers, all in matching grey, dull looking, outfits.

"Drop your weapons!" one demanded.

Rex hesitated before slowly kneeling and gently placing his pistols on the ground. The officers started to lower their blaster. Bad idea. Rex lunged at the nearest officer, sweeping him off his feet so that he hit his head rather hard when he landed. The next officer jumped on top of him. Rex just smirked and effortlessly threw him into the wall. Two more came running his way and Rex balled his hands into fists. He kicked one in the chest sending him flying backwards, and onto all of the controls.

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