"Ahsoka" Rex breathed, suddenly aware of the damage he had done, "I'm-"

Ahsoka stepped back from him and Rex's heart sank. A monster. That's what she thought he was. A killing, heartless, savage, monster. Her eyes brimmed with tears and she was shaking slightly. She looked terrified, but damn was she gorgeous. Rex reached out for her hand but she recoiled in fear. He looked away, biting his lip as hard as he could. He couldn't stand himself after what he did. He was so caught up in his anger and loathe for Lux, that he didn't stop to think about what he was doing.

"I'm sorry" he choked out, before dashing out the medical tent.

He left behind a bloodied, sickly looking Lux along with the shaking togruta he loved. He didn't know what to do. So he ran. He ran as fast as he could. Taking all his anger out on the strides of his steps. He pushed every muscle in his body faster. The look of horror on Ahsoka's face came back, haunting his mind like the memories of his fallen brothers.

Tears flowed freely and Rex choked back a sob. He found himself running to one of the many tents in the camp. It was one on the edge of a cliff, away from the others, an outcast. At this very moment Rex felt like an outcast. Or he felt he should become one. With no one to trust, not even his brothers, Rex felt alone. With the exception of Ahsoka of course. But right now he didn't want to be anywhere near her. He didn't want to hurt her.

Back at the tent Ahsoka was contemplating how she reacted to the situation. She felt terrible. Just the pain that radiating off of Rex made her stomach churn and twist into knots. She wished she would have comforted him or at least given him a hug. But no, she just stared at him and flinched away like a loth-cat's prey. At the time she was scared. Not of Rex, but of what he would do. She knew he would never hurt her but Ahsoka had never seen him like this before. It was so different. So...terrifying.

Lux was just groaning on the floor, clutching his head and muttering insults under his breath. Ahsoka completely forgot about the injured boy on the ground until medics came running in shouting orders to one another. Ahsoka herself was still recovering, but she felt a lot stronger. The adrenaline was pumping, thanks to the fight that broke out. She wiped her face on her sleeve and rubbed her shoulders, in an attempt to comfort herself. Still, she cried.

"Your boyfriend's a shavit brain" Lux growled, as doctors helped mend his broken bones.

Fury welled up inside of Ahsoka and she stomped over to the frail boy.

"You know this is all your fault" she hissed.

Lux looked taken aback, "Mine?"

"Yes yours! He's protective of me and he was only trying to keep me safe!" she pointed out.

Lux snorted, "His methods are... questionable"

"I think they're all right" Ahsoka muttered, just enough for Lux to hear.

With that she left a perplexed Lux, walking out of the tent in search of Rex. The sun was setting, casting an eerie glow across the camp. Usually the sunset was beautiful, but this evening it made Ahsoka shiver. She took one last look at the cryptic view before shifting her weight and setting off to find her love. She started by looking inside all of the tents near the medic tent. No such luck. The sun was getting lower and lower in the sky and she was about to take a break. That is until she saw the one tent on the cliff. She could sense his dismal from a mile away, it made her heart ache.

She dashed up the dusty trail until she came up to the entrance. It was only a tarp that occasionally blew around, but it worked. Ahsoka hesitated, she didn't want to make Rex feel worse in any way. She still felt terrible about earlier. But she had to see him, she would never forgive herself if she didn't. So she gently rustled the tarp, signaling that someone was entering.

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