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~ Thanks so much for the amazing cover  RandomNugget14 ~

Before you start reading, I'll like to warn you there is SWEARING and some SEXUAL ACTIVITY! in this story. If you're not comfortable with this, then I nicely suggest that you skip this book and find another. For those of you that's still here, you're in for a hell of a ride, so get ready ;) hehe
Hope you guys enjoy the story 😊

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"What the fuck Aurora!" yells Mike angrily. "You're dumping me because you heard that I had sex with another girl after I had left you at the restaurant," he continues angrily. Ugh! Guys were all the fucken same.

"Yes!" I say simply, watching him pace up and down his apartment. I roll my eyes as his fist connects with the wall. I don't know what I ever saw in this guy. It must have been his looks, yeah the tanned skin, blonde hair and green eyes. Oh and the fabulous make out sessions, sex wasn't to bad either.

"You know I'm not a relationship kind of guy. I'm a..."

"Manwhore?" I say cheekily. "Or are you a..." I have pissed him off even more. I see the murderous look in his eyes as he walks towards me. I stand straight, not afraid of him. I made that mistake before, and I'm not making it again. His hands roughly grab hold of my arms and pin them above my head, I let him.

"You turn me on so much when you get jealous, you're so hot when you're cheeky too," he says huskily into my ear. I don't bother to correct him, I wasn't jealous. If anything, I was happy he has finally cheated on me. Now I could drop my own bomb and make an interesting and exciting exit. 

I let Mike have his last few minutes of fame. He leans down and place sloppy kisses down my neck, his hands remove my hair band, letting my long brown hair out and frame around my face.

"I love your hair down," he mumbles huskily, running his fingers through my hair. It takes a lot of effort not to roll my eyes at him. Like dude, we've all heard that line before. 

The whole time I let him continue his sloppy kisses and his hands playing in my hair, then I begin my plan. I lift his chin up and kiss him, within seconds he let my tongue in and lets me swish it around in his mouth. 

While doing this, I move my hands down his back, and place them firmly on his butt. I hear Mike moan, and I can feel him getting all worked up, and his little friend poking me was the perfect time to make my exit. I pull back slightly and look up at him, acting innocently.

"I need to tell you som.." I don't even get to finish as he puts his mouth back on mine. Without warning I knee him in the stomach, hard. I hear him fall to the ground in pain.

"What the fuck Aurora !" he yells, trying to get back up but he couldn't. "You're a bitch!" he cries, holding his stomach. I shrug, leaning down so I am eye-level with him.

"I know I am, and I'm proud to be one," I tell him, standing back up. I hear him grunt, but I don't care. I continue on walking towards the door, he had it coming. "Oh and Mike. I forget to tell you that I cheated on you the second night, oh and Milly's calling you," I inform him, glancing at his cell on the table.

"Go fuck yourself Aurora!" he yells, managing to get up slowly now.

"Gross! No thanks, I'll pass," I say and then as an afterthought. "But I could ask someone to do it," I tell him winking. I open the door and walk outside the apartment. I continue to walk, even when I hear the door open again and his voice shouting at me.

"You're a bitch, a slut and I'm never calling you ever again!" he continues his little rant, even when an older man walks out of his apartment.

"Don't you say that young man,that's very rude," the man says, glancing at me. "She's your girlfriend and you should be treating her with respect," he continues. I watch as Mike glares at me but then starts yelling his side of the story to the guy. 

With that  I wave and turn around, running to my car. When I arrive at my car, I straighten my clothes out and tie my hair in a messy bun. I sigh as my phone starts to ring, I look at the caller Id.

"Hi mum," I say, trying to sound cheerful and happy.

"Honey, where are you?" mum asks, her voice frantic.

"I was finishing some un-finished business," I tell her as I start the car up. "Why?"

"Honey, tell me you haven't forgotten again!" my mother sighs over the phone. I roll my eyes, I had better things to remember, I couldn't remember everything.

"I'm sorry mum, I must have forgot..." I tell her, innocently.

"We're leaving remember. The plane leaves in an hour and..." crap I had forgotten we were leaving this small town.

"I'll be there in ten minutes mum," I interrupt her, quickly hanging up. I put my baby in drive as I pull out. Once on the open road, I let myself relax a bit, winding my window all the way down, and breaking the speed limit by a lot. 

"I'm a player baby, and no ones going to mess with me!" I shout loudly as I drift around the corner. 

If only I knew what I was in for.

Here's the prologue guys, what do you think? Are you guys alright with the swearing and sexual activity? If you're not I can turn it down. What's your thoughts on Aurora so far?
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Amy xxx

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