2 - A Pleading Silence

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Izuku POV:

I wake up in a small dark room. 

My vision is hazy and I can't think straight.

'What happened?' As my vision clears up I take a look around me. The walls of this room are made from metal and there is small bed pressed up against the wall. It seems quirk proof, which is strange, because i'm quirkless.

I try my best to remember what happened, but nothing comes to mind. 

'Where am I?' 

I really don't have any idea of what is going on so I try yelling for help.

"Help! Someone help me!" I cry out, in hopes that someone would here me.

The heavy metal door starts to open and I see a man with a bird mask standing in the doorway.

Memories suddenly come flooding back. My mom... he killed her. And then he... killed me too...? How was I alive? I was sure I died.

I looked at the man and let out a small whimper. He doesn't seem very happy with my yelling. He looks down on me, visibly annoyed.

"Shut up and come with me." he says. 

Terrified, I don't move. My body tells me to go with him but I am frozen with fear.

Overhaul POV:

I begin to get annoyed when the kid doesn't move, so I grab his hand and jerk him forward.

He let's out a small yelp but I honestly couldn't care less about how he feels. I pull him down the metal hallways of our base until we reach the room that I set up to do my work in.

The kid tugs on my sleeve and asks me a question.

"Do you know what happened to my mom?" he says quietly.

I look down at him and say "Didn't you see what I did to her? She's dead."

"B-but you did that to me too and i'm not dead." he says, tears in his eyes.

"I went to get you because I wanted you alive. After I killed you, I just used my quirk and put you back together." I say with a smirk.

The kid seems shocked and horrified by what he has just learned. I remember what we came here for and start to get things ready.

"No more questions. Go sit in that chair." I say sternly.

Izuku POV:

'He put me back together..?' I feel my eyes getting wet and try my best not to cry. I don't want to be seen as weak. I look at him and can tell right away that he is smiling. He has the same eyes as kacchan, but amber. They are menacing and find joy in my suffering.

I was about to go and do what he wanted but then I saw the chair. There were straps all over it, so that someone could be held down.

'What are they going to do to me?' I stare at the chair scared to do anything when suddenly someone picks me up.

I yelp in surprise and look up to see another man, also wearing a bird mask, but in white. He puts me onto the chair and begins to strap me in.

I think about trying to get away, but i'd rather not risk getting hurt. Once I am fully strapped in I decide to take a good look at the room. I notice another chair, it looks the same but smaller.

'Am I not the only one here? If there is someone else who also got taken by these men, I can't just leave them and try to run away. No good hero would do that. I wonder if they are ok...'

Overhaul POV:

Just as I finish getting my tools ready for the kid I look back at him. Hari already strapped him in and is getting the bottles ready. The kid seems to be staring intently at the other chair, that we used to have for the girl called Eri.

"She's dead." I say. The boy looks at me somewhat confused, so I decide to explain further.

"The girl who we had that chair for. She died. We went too far too early." I said to the young boy.

He looks up at me even more terrified than he was before.

"W-why would you d-do something to hurt h-her?" he asks quietly.

"For her quirk. We were starting to get somewhere, but then she died, so your her replacement." I tell him. I know I shouldn't be telling a kid this much information, but it's not like i'm ever going to let him go. 

"B-but i'm quirkless. How can you use me?" he asks purely out of curiosity. 

"You have a quirk Izuku. Yours is just special. It doesn't manifest the same way other quirks do. Now be quiet, i'm not answering any more questions." I say, ready to get started.

Izuku POV:

I sit there shocked. Unable to believe what I am hearing. I have a quirk? They killed a girl with the same quirk as me? What could they possibly need me for?

I here the sound of metal clinking and look up to see the man who killed my mom holding a scalpel of some kind. He gets closer to me and I try to back away but there is nothing I can do but scream.

He digs the scalpel into my arm and i feel a new power flowing through me. I tried to think about what was happening, but I couldn't the pain was just too much to bare. The horn on my head starts to grow and I feel my quirk trying to help me. The attempts were in vain, as the pain soon overtook me. I cry and scream but nothing stops him from continuing to torture me.  And as soon as it started, it was over.

I sit there tears running down my face as the two men finish their work. Then man with the white bird mask unstraps me and starts to bandage my arms and legs. The pain was unimaginable and I shake the entire time while this man tries to help me.

I try to stand but my knees are weak and I end of getting carried back to my room. They close the door and leave me alone with my thoughts.

I sit there in silence trying to comprehend what just happened, but it's too much for my mind to handle.

'I want my mom... I want to go home and go to school... I don't want to be here....I can't die yet, i'm only 13...' 

Hot tears start streaming down my face as I sob and try to think of any reasonable explanation for them to do that to me. I end up without a clue.

I start to think about people. My mom... the girl he spoke about... the man that helped me.... and of course, the man who hurt me. I crawl over to the mattress up against the wall and curl up in the thin blanket. My mind starts to wander to better times and I begin to drift off into a nightmare plagued sleep.

Right now, there is only one thing I can do. Not give up hope.


Hey Everyone! Thanks for reading this story! 

Sorry for taking a few days to update. I didn't really feel like writing.

To make it up to you guys i'm going to try and put out 2 parts today.

Criticism is welcome!

The "Quirkless" Boy (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now