4 - New Challenges

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Hey everyone! I'm trying to post more often and be more active so i'm writing today.

I'm super bored so this chapter is going to be a long one.

Also just a note '***' <-- this is a time skip.


Katsuki POV:

It's finally happening. My first day at UA.

A fresh new start, where nobody can judge me based on my past.

Here, I don't have to be known as the loud kid who thinks hes better than everyone.

I can change, and try to make friends.

I walk down the long hallway until I come to a giant door, marked 1-A. They really must take everyone into account with such a design. It's got to be at least 12 feet tall.

I push open the door to reveal a classroom filled with around 20 other kids, talking and laughing, or just sitting on there own.

I found out in the letter that came with the projection device that my seat is number 17. I go and sit down, not wanting to mess up this chance.

I guess I really have gotten softer over this year. I'm getting nervous about something so stupid!

"Hi, i'm Ochako Uraraka!" says a voice close to my ear.

I look over and see the brown haired girl from the entrance exam.

"Oh, um hi, I'm Katsuki Bakugo." I say looking up at the girl.

"I remember you from the entrance exam! Thanks for saving me back there! I really thought I was going to die after the robot came. I still can't believe you took it down all on your own!" she says with an extremely enthusiastic voice.

"Oh uh yeah... you're welcome. Also, I was wondering what is your quirk? It seemed like it made you sick." I say.

"It's called zero gravity! But if I use it too much I get really bad nausea... But anyway what's your quirk? It seemed really powerful!" 

"I can make explosions from my hands. It's pretty simple." I say with a smile.

We continue to talk for a little while longer, until we are interrupted by a man in a sleeping bag at the door. He introduces himself as Shota Aizawa, our homeroom teacher.

"Instead of the normal orientation, we are going to do a fitness test, to get to know you and your quirks better." he says.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Go get changed." he says dryly, before taking another sip of his coffee.

We all run off to the locker room and change as fast as we can.

Once I get outside Mr. Aizawa hands me a baseball.

"Bakugou, how far could you throw in middle school?" he asks me.

"Around 67 meters"

"I want you to try it again. But this time you can use your quirk." he tells me.

'Sweet!' I walk up to the pitch and get ready to throw.

'I'll add some heat to my pitch and blow them away!'

I real my arm back and shout "DIEEEE!" before throwing the ball as far as I could. I use an explosion to send it farther than it ever could have without my quirk.

Rings of black smoke hang in the sky, and I look back at my classmates to see them all shocked at how well I did.

The number on the device reads 705.2 meters.

The &quot;Quirkless&quot; Boy (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now