14 - UA

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I love you guys so much! It was just recently we hit 2k reads, and now we're at 10k! THank you so much! If there is anything you would like me to do to celebrate just comment it. The only thing I can't do is a face reveal, because privacy. Anyways, Thanks for all your support and enjoy the chapter!

A/N: Shinso and Deku are NOT brothers. Shinso hasn't been adopted by their family he just hangs around with them a lot because they encouraged his dreams. We aren't doing incest in this fic. 

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Izuku POV:

We're really here. UA highschool. Ever since I was little I dreamed of coming here. I haven't completely given up on my dream, but it's obvious some things didn't go as planned.

I still want to be a hero though. I promised Eri, and I intend to keep my promise. After all, she out of everyone deserves it most.

I hope my mom is taking good care of her in heaven...

We walk through the halls and I see a door labeled 1-A.

"Wait here for a second, i'll come out to get you in a minute" says Shota.

I sit alone for a second before a new voice sounds from the end of the hallway.

"Hi Izuku!"

Oh, Hito-san is here! That's nice, he's a pretty cool person. But wasn't he supposed to be in class?

"Hi!" I say back. He stops next to me and sits down against the wall.

"Didn't you have class today?" I ask

"Yeah but it was boring. I decided i'd just brainwash Aizawa into letting me skip." he says, a small smile coming to his lips.

"Haha, ok. But if he get's mad, I didn't hear anything." I say happily.


"Izuku you can come in no- wait a minute, when did he get here!?" he looks between me and Hito-san, slightly pissed off. 

He ends up bringing us both into the classroom, and has us introduce ourselves.

I stand there nervously. I start fidgeting with the edge of my sweatshirt. Hitoshi sighs and steps forward.

"You guys already know me, i'm Shinso. I was bored so I skipped class and somehow ended up here." he looks over at me expecting me to go.

I mentally hype myself up, then take a deep breath.

"H-hi i'm Izuku, i'm 16 and I like cats."

'That was way harder than it should have been. At least I only stuttered once.'

I scan the room and notice a few familiar people from my rescue. A girl with short brown hair meets my gaze. She smiles softly and waves at me. I give her a small smile and wave my hand slightly.

"Anyways class, Izuku is my kid now, so you should expect to see a lot more of him around here." Shota says.

"Wait- WHAT!?" the class says in unison.

"Did I stutter." Shota's hair flys up and his eyes turn red. I avert my eyes as fast as possible.

'Oh shit. I forgot he's scary when he wants to be.'

Shota looks at us both. I unknowingly hid behind Hito-san. I immediately stand up straight and look away yet again.

"Go do whatever, I don't care." he says as he crawls into his sleeping bag

And then we were left unsupervised with a bunch of touchy teenagers.

Katsuki POV:

Oh god. Mr. Aizawa forgot to mention Deku's biggest trigger. He hates being touched. These idiots are going to swarm him over his cuteness. Wait, cuteness? The hell am I thinking? 

Damn, i'm messed up in the head. You literally tell Deku to kill himself one day, and the next your calling him cute? Y'know what? I think I might need to let Kirishima take me to therapy.

I look over and notice Deku starting to panic. These idiots.

"Hey stop crowding him you extras! Can't you see your scaring him?!" I yell across the room.

He looks at me and offers a small smile.

"I formally apologize on behalf of the whole class. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by getting so close. Also, yelling must also be a trigger for you aswell, I saw your meeting with the pros earlier. If Bakugou is making you uncomfortable, I can get Sero to tape his mouth shut." says a very annoying four eyes. I roll my eyes.

Deku stares him down for a second and then let's out a small laugh.

"It's a little bit hard to be scared of Kacchan at this point in my life. The amount of blackmail I have on him isn't measurable." he says looking right at me.

"Expose me and i'll tell the whole class about Notebook #7."

He immediately shuts up and looks away.

"So, Izuku, buddy, how much do i need to pay you to get in on the blackmail?"

Of course Dunce Face wants to blackmail me. Honestly who wouldn't. I'm basically unstoppable at this point, so they should be doing everything they can to try and take me down.

"Haha, sorry, but I do not want the contents of that notebook to be revealed to the world."

"You can't just say that, now I want to know!"

"Yeah man, don't just leave us hanging!"

"Oh, Izuku!"

3rd POV:

The class ended up loving Izuku and they had a great time. Shinso was happy he ditched class for this.


Somewhere in Japan....

"How the hell are we going to pull that off!?"

"How are we going to do something of that caliber!?"

"I'm not to sure O-"


The people in the room stare at what remains of their friend.

"Anybody else have a problem with my plan?"

the room goes silent.

A voice sounds from the back of the room.

"So tell me one more time, what are we getting out of this arrangement?"

"If things go according to plan, you can kill anyone you want, without having to worry about their quirk ever again."


What's up losers? I said I was going to post twice this week, so I did :).

We got some suspense building now and let me just say...

If you ship Bakudeku with a passion I hope you like crying :)

Also I posted the first chapter of a Haikyuu fanfic if you want to try it out! Nor pressure tho :)

Anyways, as always, thank you for reading!

Your support means so much me! 

Words: 1028 (woohoo thousand)

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