3 - Past And Present

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Here is the part I promised! Hope you like it!


Katsuki POV:

It's been two weeks since Deku went missing. The case still has zero leads, because he disappeared without a trace.

I don't know all the details, but since we were so close to their family we know more than most people do. 

Apparently on the day of the disappearance, there was yelling coming from the Midoriya house. The neighbors called the police to investigate the noise, but upon entering the house there was a gruesome sight. 

Blood and guts were splattered everywhere. A DNA test revealed that remains belonged to Inko Midoriya, Deku's mother. But they didn't find any DNA from Deku. They did find his bag though, which meant he must have come home and seen his mother.

Some people started to come up with theories. Many people thought he ran away, while others thought that something darker had taken place.

Although I didn't want to believe it, I knew that Deku didn't just run away. He never tries to run away from a situation, even if all odds are stacked against him. I learned that first hand, through everything I did to him.

Now that he is gone I finally realize how much Deku actually meant to me. He may have been weak and quirkless, but once he disappeared, it feels like a piece of me is gone. I still don't know that what happened to him, but I really have gotten sadder without him. For all I know he could be perfectly fine, laughing at me from somewhere else, which pisses me off, because someone that pathetic has no right to look down on me.

Deku made headlines over the last couple days. His disappearance seems impossible. Perfect, too perfect. We had the press interviewing our class, as much as the teachers tried to discourage it, I talked to them. I didn't say much, just about how I wished he would come back, and that I missed him.

Ever since the whole in my heart came, it started growing. Now I have a new reason for becoming a hero. I want to bring Izuku Midoriya home.


Izuku POV:

If i'm still thinking straight i've been hear for around two weeks. Since coming hear i've been tortured everyday. No wonder the other girl died. This would be enough to make anyone happily except death. And i've only been here for two weeks.

I found out her name was Eri. And when I was feeling especially low, I would pretend to have conversations with her to take my mind off the other things that took over my mind.

Sometimes I would have dreams where I talked with her. I didn't know if that was actually what she looked like or not so I just pretended that I knew her well.

The conversations with her were one of the only things that could make me happy.

I knew she was just an imaginary friend, but I still treasured her as if she were real.

I had learned about this place a little bit more each day. 

I was the only kid here. I was told to call the man who took my mom's life Overhaul, and the man with the white mask Chrono. 

I had a quirk called rewind, and they needed me so that I could rewind quirks out of existence. I thought my quirk was pretty cool, but since they never bothered to train me, I still had no idea how it worked.

I didn't even know how to activate it. It just seemed to happen on its own. 

And because starting it alone was a mystery, stopping it was nearly impossible. 

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