18 - The Chance of a Lifetime

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STOP! Before you read this chapter, I want you to guess whats going to go down. Tell me what you think is going to happen, i'm very curious to see your theories.

(idk why I did that just want some interesting stuff to read)

Also Thanks so much for 50K reads !!!

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Eri POV:

Why is he here? 

He was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I can't blame him for getting taken again. When Overhaul wants something he gets it, no matter what anyone says or does.

I guess I was just hoping for too much.

I look over at him again. I slowly crawl towards him, and then lay down next to him. 

He's so kind... and warm. I snuggle closer to him before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Izuku POV:

I slowly open my eyes. It's very dark, and I can't really see anything. That's when it hits me;

'Where am I?'

Having a past like mine, anybody would be panicking and I looked around desperate for a hint of where I am.

I looked down.


Please tell me that isn't Eri....

Please tell me that me running away didn't make him do extreme things and put her back through that torture...

I always have to do something wrong...

I gently touch her and try to shake her awake. 

"Mmmph..." (nezuko vibes)

"Eri, are you awake?" I ask her quietly.

She looks up at me with big glossy eyes. She starts crying and grips onto me. I whisper kind words to her and hold her in a tight embrace. She's way too young to be going through this.

"Why didn't he just leave me dead...."

I look at her. 

"Eri, don't say that, please. I promise, one way or another we'll get out of here. I promise you."



I hold her tighter in my embrace. She sobs softly. I run my fingers through her hair, and try to get her to calm down. 

I then here a new sound. Eri immideatly starts panicking.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" I ask quietly.

"That's the sound the door makes when it's being unlocked. He's coming to take me to the bad room..."

So we're back to this life now...

If only I could have just behaved myself, she wouldn't have to be here. She doesn't deserve this, it was only because of me that he felt he needed to bring her back.

I hold her closer to me, I won't let him take her away.

The door opens and I see the face, (well half of it), of Overhaul. He looks amused to see me so protective of Eri. He's got those eyes again. He's enjoying every moment of this.

I hate him.

"Izuku, let go of Eri, she needs to come with me now." he says.

"No, go away." I say quietly.

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