19 - How to get away with murder

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Hitoshi POV:

It's been around 2 weeks since Izuku went missing again. A lot of things have changed in such a short time. Bakugou... it's almost like his entire persona has changed. He's... colder, and more difficult than usual.

It was probably provoked by losing him again. I know now how much it hurt Bakugou. I wish I could talk to him, but he's just not an easily approachable person.

Losing him again was hard for all of us, and I can tell it's affecting Aizawa and Mic. They seem much more tired than usual. Even Aizawa. I didn't know that was possible.

Everybody's pretty shaken up from the inicident. Izu wasn't the only person affected. It just seems quieter around here. And he wasn't even he loud type...

Bakugou POV:

The league has told me where Overhaul's new location is. Our plan is simple but effective. We just have to leak the location, and once the rescue is put into motion, we'll make our move.

I've been hanging around their hideout after school most days. They really aren't the people I thought they were. They're honestly just misunderstood.

Toga is a little offsetting at first, but once you get passed that, she actually really cares for people, in her own way.

Dabi's cold, but he likes to make fun of people. Something we have in common. He's overall just a chill guy.

And Shigiraki... is well, interesting. He's got a lot going on, so it's hard to sum him up. But we get along well, he knows what he wants, and I know what I want.

Somebody from their "behind the scenes" team is set to leak the location, without being too obvious that it's intentional.

I hope this works.

I'll have him all to myself. And that mind freak will be dead in a ditch.

Who knew that playing the villain could be so fun?

- - -

Eri POV:

I don't like throw deal that Overhaul has made with Izuku. It can't be that simple.

There's always a catch. Nothing ever comes as easy as just taking my turn.

I think he's trying to do something. I'm not sure what, but it scares me.

I let out a small whimper as my mind travels to darker thoughts that I wish I pushed away earlier.

Izuku's kind fingers run through my hair. It calms me down.

What did we ever do to deserve this? I mean I know I killed my dad... that's why nobody wants me. But what about Izu? He's just a nice boy who gives good hugs.

Tears start to stream down my face and I let out quiet sobs.

'Why?! Why can't we just be happy for one second in our lives!? Are we doomed to have a life of sheer pain!? If that's the case, I'd rather just end it all.'

"Shhhh...shhh.... don't cry Eri. We'll be okay. I promise we will."

I look into Izuku's big green eyes. I calm down a bit, my breathing starting to return to a normal pace.

I grip him tighter and he draws circles on my back.

"I-I love you Izuku. Can I call you my brother?" I ask hesitantly.

"Of course you can. You can be my little sister." He replies. He gives me one of those pure angelic smiles.

I love him so much.

Shigaraki POV:

I had my eye on the Bakugou kid for a while, but damn, I never knew he could be so useful.

He's actually committed to this. The amount of information he's leaked to us in the last 2 weeks is incredible. I never really say things like this, but I'm glad he joined us.

Master was right to want him on our side. If we have him with us, my life can get way easier.

In 4 days time, UA is going to raid Overhaul's new hideout. Bakugou's making plans to kill the purple haired kid during the raid.

That's when he'll make his first visible move against UA. If they found out a student joined us, UA will probably be brought under fire again. This is so... fun.

Free publicity and new assets. Apparently Bakugou's crush has a healing quirk or something. Yet another thing I can take advantage of.

Master has also expressed his interest in the boys quirk. He may want to take it for his own, which could be a problem in our relationship with Bakugou.

The only thing I need to happen is for things to go my way.

Take out a big shot like him, and I'm one step closer to ruling the underworld.

Aizawa POV:

I feel so guilty because of what happened to Izuku. I should have been a better parent, taken better care of him.

I knew Chisaki's group was still out there, so how could I have been so careless?

I think I just wanted him to experience the world like  any other kid after being locked up so long. Was that so wrong?

It's going to be okay though. In 4 days time, we're going to raid their new location. It was discovered two days ago, but we needed time to conform it was actually their base.

We don't really know how it happened, but their location was leaked. Oh well, good for us bad for them.

I've picked Shinsou, Bakugou, and Todoroki to come with us on the raid.

Bakugou and Todoroki are some of my best students. I can also tell that Izuku going missing again really shook Bakugou up. He needs this.

Shinsou also worked really hard recently, and got his provisional hero license at a later date than most of the hero course students. He was also very close with Izuku.

We've got almost everything figured out. Now all we have to do is wait.

- - -

Little do they know there's two traumatized children in Overhaul's basement

Hello Everyone! A massive arc in this story is coming to a close in the next 2 chapters. I'm debating on whether or not I'm going to end it here and write a sequel or just keep writing on this book.

What do you think I should do?

Also, I'm going to post a narrative I have to write for school in a few days, and if you could give me some feedback that would be amazing!

As always, thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

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