16 - Watching from a distance

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I'm an eboy now tremble beneath me

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Bakugou POV:

I watch him from across the classroom. His perfect skin, beautiful eyes, & gorgeous eyes.

I've never felt like this before. The joy it brings me just thinking about him. He's been through so much, yet he's still able to smile.

Izuku Midoriya. 

How do you do it?

He raises his hand and answers the question. He fit in with us so nicely. 

He really is everything anyone could ever want. At least, I feel that way.

I've finally managed to get over myself. It's obvious I have a crush on Deku. I have began to overlook every flaw I ever saw in him. He's perfect. Well, almost.

Hitoshi Shinso. Class 1-C, general studies. Born on July 1. Hair color and eye color: Purple. Blood type: O. 16 years old. 177cm tall. 

Why do I know all of this?

Because according to Deku, he's everything i'm not. 

It's always "Hitoshi!" or "Hito-san!".

Never "Kacchan!".

Why does he like him more than me!

Am I not good enough for him?!

Or is it not my fault, but Shinso's?

Deku was my friend first! He's supposed to be mine! Not his! So why does he keep interfering!?

It's not fair.


Izuku POV:

Finally, class is over. It's good that i'm learning again, but I hate it. School is just so tiring, and I have a hard time focusing. Shota says it's not my fault, but it's my fault I didn't listen to my blatantly obvious gut feelings.

I pick up my backpack. If I was the same person I was in seventh grade, it would definitely be yellow. But now, it just brings back memories of the day that altered the course of my life.

I sigh and stand up, walking out the door.

"Hey Deku, want to hang out after school?" asks a voice.

I turn around and see Kacchan.

"Oh hi Kacchan!"

I think about his question for a moment, the remember I already told Hitoshi that we would go to the park after school.

"Oh, and sorry I already have plans with Hitoshi..." I sheepishly rub the back of my head.

"...But I could ask if you could come?" I say, giving him a smile.

He looks into my eyes for a second, before they dart away. 

"No, that's ok. Maybe some other time." He walk past me out the door.

I watch him as he walks away. He seemed really upset. Did I say something wrong?

Hitoshi POV:

I yawn and squeeze my eyes shut, before opening them again. Before I even realize what's happening, I slam into someone's shoulder.

I fall the the ground. I look up and my eyes meet the fiery eyes of Katsuki Bakugou. 

He scoffs and looks at me with disgust in his eyes. He kicks my binder and walks away.

'What's up with him? I mean, I know he doesn't like me, but that was a little much.'

The "Quirkless" Boy (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now