14| Mama Knows Best

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"Why can't I just wait for you out here?"

Karma crossed her arms over her chest and arched a brow. Yeah, I didn't know why I thought I was going to win this argument.

"Nathan, that's stupid. Why would you stay out here?"

When I couldn't think of a valid reason, she covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Oh, my God! You're still scared of mama aren't you?"

"What? No!"

She may be 'mama' to Karma, but to me, she was the woman who pinched my cheeks whenever I got into trouble when I was younger. She was also the mother to the woman whose heart I broke. Not to mention, the other reasons I wanted to avoid her.

Karma was her little girl, and her mother was super protective of her. So was her father. I'll never forget the day I picked her up for our first date.

"Karma will be right down, Nate. Why don't you come wait with me in the kitchen?"

I followed Mrs. Fitzgerald into the kitchen and saw Mr. Fitzgerald chopping up some vegetables for dinner.

"Honey," Karma's mon said to her husband, "Nate is here to pick up Karma for their date."

Her father never stopped cutting the vegetables as he looked up to meet my stare. Hank Fitzgerald was a big man. And even though I've known him almost my whole life, he could still be extremely intimidating. Like right now, for instance.

"Nate, how've you been, son?"

"Good, sir."

"So, where do you plan on taking my little girl this evening?"

I was glad Karma was upstairs, because this was going to be a surprise for her. I didn't want it to be ruined by her overhearing.

"I'm taking her for a picnic in the park, sir."

Another hard chop of the vegetables. "I see." His eyes bored into mine. "I don't think I have to warn you that you need to behave like a complete gentleman, or that she needs to be home at a decent time, do I, Nate?"

"No, sir," I answered quickly. By the tone of his voice, I I knew that if I answered any differently, this date would be cancelled immediately.

"Good," Hank nodded and out the vegetables into the frying pan. He washed his hands before coming to stand in front of me. "I've always liked you, Nate. But that's my little girl. The one thing I won't tolerate is her being hurt."

My chest tightened. Hurting Karma was the one thing that terrified me. "I promise, sir. I won't hurt her."

Hank snorted. "Good man. See, Minerva? I told you this one was a good one."

Hank leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Just remember, son, it's my wife you have to look out for."

I looked up at Mrs. Fitzgerald and knew exactly what Hank meant. If I hurt Karma...I was a dead man.

Karma - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 3Where stories live. Discover now