Part 25: What Happened Next

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POV: Travis

"Katie, don't be stupid!" I called after my girlfriend, who was currently fighting off any monster that managed to get through the border. 

I ran after her. She was about to take on a fully grown cyclops. Katie was a whirlwind of action. She dodged, and attacked, and grew glorious plants to entrap our enemies. 

She looked back at me with triumph in her eyes and expression. She had taken down most of the monsters by herself. It was amazing. Gods, I loved this girl.

A mighty roar echoed through camp. The ground shook. Katie stood her ground. None of us knew what was about to happen. 

Because what did happen, happened so fast that some of us are still denying it. What happened surprised us all. No one saw it coming. 

We watched as a ginormous shadow came into view. I couldn't tell what it was. And by the looks of it, none of the other campers knew what it was either.

All I saw was a poof of smoke. Then, the shadow was gone. 

A deafening scream rung out. I instantly knew who it belonged to. Katie. The girl I loved screamed for her life. I looked over to her, but a second too late. 

A sword, or maybe a dagger, pierced her stomach. Blood leaked through her shirt. Katie collapsed to the ground. I sprinted as fast as I could, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall. 

I baseball slid the last two feet to Katie. I gently lifted her head and placed it on my knees.

"Katie, stay with me!" I cried out.

Katie lifted a hand to my face and held one of my hands with her other.

"Katie..." tears raced down my face. I couldn't stop them, "Don't die."

"Travis..." Katie croaked, "I'm ok..."

Her eyes closed. She was still breathing, barely.

Will came and took her from me and raced to the infirmary. I followed as fast as I could. I walked in on Will and about 3 other Apollo kids running around the infirmary looking for a way to save Katie.

"Travis..." I heard a soft voice say.

I looked behind me and saw Miranda, Katie's sister.

"She's gone," Miranda gulped, "for good."

I saw a tear escape Miranda's eyes as she left to go find her boyfriend and to tell her siblings.

Tears flooded my vision as they raced down my face. Cries of agony rang out from my mouth until it was dry, and even after that. 

It was only when Connor dragged me out did I stop crying out. But, I still had tears in my eyes. I just couldn't make any more noise.

As soon as I ate what satisfied my younger brother, I left to go sit by Katie's bed. Will had covered her head with a sheet by the time I got there. 

I gently pulled it down. The beautiful eyes that used to look at me with love and passion were now closed, and they would not open again. The lips that used to be pink and always bring a smile to my face were now pale and lifeless. My girlfriend was gone.

Sorry my dear readers.

-Katie Taylor, Author

(Word Count: 531)

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