snoopy j troupe

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Emily and Michelle had decided to make Harper's worst nightmares come true and assigned her to teach J Troupe's Tuesday night class. It wasn't that she didn't like J Troupe, quite the opposite actually, she just found them rather intimidating. They were all very talented kids and often came across a little judgemental.

As she entered studio A, Harper noticed that the whole group was already there and were talking amongst themselves while stretching. She took a deep breath and glanced towards Michelle and Emily inside their office before walking forward into the studio. Michelle was in for it after making her do this.

"Hi guys, I'm taking your class today so make sure you're ready to go in five." She announced as she removed her hoodie and went over their dance in her head so she could give them appropriate corrections. There were only six of them which wasn't too bad, but Harper was still extremely nervous. "Okay, so if you can get in line along the barre we'll do a quick ballet warm up, stretch, then I want to make sure your competition routine is clean."

The blonde dragged one of the barres out as the children got the other one and then lined up beside it. She switched on the music and took them through a few exercises like pliés and tendus to ensure they were nice and warm. Then they all followed along in a quick stretching routine that Harper demonstrated so they were ready to go for their group dance. What she didn't notice as she was teaching, was that Noah had entered through the front entrance and was watching the class.

"Okay so if you-" Harper began to instruct them to get into position for the group dance but she was quickly interrupted by Presley, one of the J Troupers.

"What's going on with you and Noah?" Probed the young, yet extremely confident, girl. Harper was completely taken aback by the question as she searched for something to say.

"Um, that doesn't really matter right now." The blonde replied awkwardly as her love life wasn't something she was keen to discuss with J Troupe. Emily and Michelle were also counting on her to get their routine ready for their upcoming competition.

"Are you gonna break up?" Another J trouper who was named McKenzie asked curiously. They were all losing focus and soon, countless questions were being thrown Harper's way.

"Do you still even like him?"

"I thought you would be together forever."

Harper was so overwhelmed as the entire group broke out into a full blown debate about her relationship with Noah. She was lost for words as she tried to speak above them but they weren't anywhere close to listening. She glanced towards Michelle and Emily's office but it appeared that both of them had headed out for a lunch break. She was all alone.

"J Troupe, it's time to focus!" A voice echoed across the room causing the kids to fall silent. Everyone's attention turned to Noah who they had all just noticed was there. Harper had no idea how he was able to do that but despite needing his help, she really didn't want to see him. "Now you need to listen to Harper because it's you that's performing at the competition, not her."

"Fine." Presley grumbled as the entire group scrambled to find their opening places. Harper was once again lost for words. She was thankful that Noah had come to help, but she was still mad at him.

"Thanks." She muttered without looking at her boyfriend as he took a seat on the blocks to observe the rest of the class. Luckily J Troupe kept their opinions to themselves for the remainder of their rehearsal and listened to Harper. Once they had run the dance twice, she offered them some corrections so that they could perfect it. "McKenzie really try and point your feet in that aerial to finish your lines and Zack just make sure you get there on eight so you can be on time for the unison section okay?"

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