Yellow Paint (Elijah Mikaelson)

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Summary: Reader is dating Elijah, the brother of their best friend Klaus. Reader is basically an honorary Mikaelson, which is how they ended up painting baby Hope's future bedroom with Elijah, while Klaus is nowhere in sight. Although, Elijah and the reader aren't exactly complaining.


"This room is hideous."

"And that's why we're redoing it. No baby Mikaelson is coming into the world like this." My boyfriend, Elijah Mikaelson, plopped down a few cans of paint in the middle of the room before turning to me. "Shall we get started?"

"Hey, you're the vampire with super strength. Clear the room, and I'll put down the tarp."

Elijah flashed a smile, then wooshed the nearest chair into the next room. Between his super strength and super speed, the room was cleared in less than three minutes.

"Nice work," I said, hands on my hips as I surveyed the room.

"Thank you. Now, how about that tarp?"

Elijah and I spread a plastic tarp out across the floor to protect it from any stray paint, then cracked open the first can of primer. All the walls were currently a dark red, and if we wanted to change them to our planned light bright yellow, we'd have to do it right.

"Why the hell isn't your brother here helping with this?" I asked, dipping my roller in the primer and making the first stripe against the red. "It's the room for his kid after all."

"I don't know. Why isn't your best friend?"

I scoffed. "Because he's lazy. And currently using the excuse of giving his best friend and his brother some space to be a couple to avoid having to spend the afternoon painting a room."

"Well, I can say this for my brother..." Elijah slowly crossed the room to stand in front of me. He leaned down and gave me a slow, sweet kiss. "He certainly knows when it's best to give us our space."

"Mmm... I don't know... I love Nik, but I really might stake him if he interrupts another one of our dates with some crazy witchy murderer plot or whatever."

Elijah chuckled as he picked up a roller and we both went back to painting the wall.

"If you really wanted to stake my brother, you would've done it already."

I sighed. "Yeah, probably. Still, maybe I'll leave a bunch of paint on his pillow or something as payback for being such a slacker."

"Now that I would love to see."

"Ooo, or here's an idea: let's paint his room next, and then we'll make him fix it. Then he has to paint a room as penance for not painting this one."

Elijah just smiled in amusement, shaking his head a little at my antics.

"You know, it's no wonder you and my brother became such fast friends. You're both very held up on your revenge plots. Yours are just a little less... murderous and aggressive than my brother's."

Now it was my turn to grin.

"Less murderous? Yes. Less aggressive? Hell no. I will aggressively paint everything that man owns."

Elijah laughed out loud, and my smile only grew. His genuine, happy laugh was one of my favorite things to hear, and sometimes it could be a pretty rare sound.

Elijah and I managed to get the primer on the walls fairly quickly, especially considering I didn't have super speed. We finally got to crack the yellow paint buckets open, and I watched as Elijah painted the first stripe on the wall.

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