Back Again

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I woke up wrapped tightly in his arms. Warm, comfortable. It would have been a nice feeling. If I wasn't busy panicking about how I'd get up. I glanced up at him. He was still fast asleep, but for how much longer?

I tried to gently wiggle myself loose. He barely budged. What was I going to do? I couldn't have one of his personas finding me naked in his bed. I was about to consider ripping away like a band-aid when he, thankfully, released me and rolled onto his side.

I tried to stifle the sigh of relief that was building. I shuffled out of bed carefully and went to the closet to change. My feet were still aching from yesterday's dance session. I'd probably be wearing flats for the next few days.

I peeked at him when I was done. He hadn't moved from where I'd left him. I tiptoed to the door and closed it behind me gently. I'd have to start being more careful about how Jack and I slept at night. True, Mr. Weston usually woke up after me, but I still didn't want to give that awkward explanation the first time he didn't.

I decided to check out the lounge a little more while I waited for him. Again, the record shelf caught my eye. The lack of organization was driving me crazy.

I went over and started pulling some of the records out. They needed some kind of order to them. I could make organizing them my project for when I had free time. I sat on the floor cross-legged and started piling them alphabetically.

I felt like I'd barely started when I heard footsteps rushing down the hall. Rushing? Who ran around the house? Arthur? Again? I didn't have much time to think about it as he rounded the corner. His eyes were panicked, he looked like he was about to be sick. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. He stared at me a moment. His breathing was heavy. Exactly how far did he run like that?

"Good morning, sir. Is everything alright?"

Relief filled his face as he heard my voice. He let out a deep sigh.

"You're still here."

"Of course. Where else would I go?" I asked.

He opened his mouth but froze before he said anything. He seemed to notice the piles of records around me for the first time. He smiled, amused.

"Why are you making a mess of the records?" He asked.

"They were already a mess," I grumbled. "I'm putting them in some kind of order. Before order comes chaos."

"I'm assuming we're still at 'chaos' right now?"

"You laugh now, but just wait until it doesn't take an hour to find what you want to listen to," I said sharply. "Then you'll be thanking me."

He rolled his eyes. "Right now, I think I'd be thankful for breakfast."

"Oh, right," I said, standing. "Let's go eat."

"After you," he said, motioning to the door.

I followed him down the hall to the dining room. He seemed to be in a good mood, but I was getting a little nervous. I still wasn't sure who he was yet. He seemed friendly, so he wasn't new. Arthur never ate willingly, so probably not him.

Suddenly, he leaned in and kissed me. I froze in shock. He chuckled softly at my obvious confusion.

"What's wrong, Darling? Surprised?" He asked playfully.


"I'll take that as a yes."

"Well, a little," I admitted. "Thomas said it wasn't common for you to show up two days in a row."

He shrugged and started walking towards the dining room again. I followed after him.

"Honestly, there's no way to tell for sure who I'll be," he explained. "Anything can happen with me."

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