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My heart skipped a beat. When they find out I'm leaving them? My boyfriends? Meaning the other parts of Mr. Weston? This wasn't good.

I looked over at Arthur. He was still smiling happily at his pictures. This couldn't be happening. Maybe I misunderstood him or something.

"What do you mean when I tell them I'm leaving them?" I asked.

"Anna, you should tell them," he said, frowning. "You cared for them once. I know it will be hard, but it's cruel to leave them without a word. You should at least say goodbye."

"Wait, wait, wait."

I pressed my fingers to my temples. What exactly was going on? How did we get to this point? Arthur reached out and put his hand on my cheek.

"You look troubled," he commented. "Are you afraid to tell them? I can go with you if it would make you feel better."

"No, no," I said, shaking my head. "A-Arthur, who ever said I was leaving them?"

His eyes went wide. He dropped his hand from my face. He seemed stunned.

"I... uh... well... didn't you?"


"I thought you said you loved me."

His voice sounded absolutely crushed. It hurt just to hear. I reached out and grabbed his hands.

"I do," I reassured him. "I do love you."

"Then what's the matter?" He asked. "Shouldn't that settle the issue of where you and these men stand? Obviously, if you love me, you're choosing me over them, right?"

I felt trapped. What could I say in a situation like this? I did love Arthur. And Jack. And Victor. I loved all of Mr. Weston, but how could I possibly explain that to Arthur? He didn't know anything about it.

"Arthur, I told you before. My situation is... complicated with them," I explained.

"Exactly! This way it's simple," he said, smiling. He kissed my hands. "I know you said they each offered you something the other didn't, but I can fix all that. I'll give you everything you need. Love, affection, intimacy, and enough money to buy you anything you could ever want. I'll give you everything."

My heart was breaking. He was trying so hard to win me over. How could I possibly explain to him that he was fighting himself?

"Arthur... I can't leave them," I sighed.

"Y-you have to!" He cried desperately. "I don't know what they said before to get you into this crazy situation, but I won't stand for it."


"I love you, Anna. I love you. I love you more than they ever could. Maybe they can stand the idea of sharing you, but I can't." He held my hands tightly. His face looked pained. "I won't let anyone else have you. You're mine. And I'm yours too. We only need each other. If you're afraid I can't give you everything you need, then I promise I can. Just give me one chance to prove it."

"Arthur stop," I begged. I held his face in my hands. "I promise it has nothing to do with you. It's not that I don't believe in you. It's not. I just... I just can't leave them."

He stayed silent a moment. He looked so hurt. I felt terrible. I should have seen this coming.

After all, how many times had Arthur told me he couldn't stand the idea of sharing his lover? Did I already forget about this morning when he said how no man could possibly want to be in that situation? His confession a moment ago about how jealous he was of my boyfriends? How he couldn't even stand to hear about them for another second? Did I really think all that was going to change just because he confessed to me? How did I never guess something like this would happen?

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