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As pleasurable as my night before had been, that's how painful it was when I woke up. God, had it really been that long since I had sex? My muscles ached as if I'd gone hiking with Arthur again. I guess I was out of practice.

Practice makes perfect. I couldn't help smiling as I thought of this. I glanced over at him, still fast asleep. I wondered if I'd be "practicing" more with whoever he was today. I winced a bit as I sat up. Then again, maybe a day off wouldn't be too bad either.

As I stood up I couldn't help noticing the mess we left on the sheets. Part of me wished I had fought a little harder with Victor about cleaning up. I just hoped he would assume the mess was his own and not speak about it. I wouldn't even know how to explain it if he asked.

I needed a bath, that was for sure. The cleaners were coming today and it probably wasn't a good idea to meet them smelling like sex. I settled on using the bath in my room. The one in his was much more luxurious, but I couldn't risk him waking and finding me there. Besides, nothing in Weston Manor was really "average." Even the smallest bathroom was nicer than anything I'd ever had before.

The hot water from the bath helped to soothe my aching muscles. My upper body wasn't too bad, but my legs were killing me. There was nothing I wanted more than to stay in the bath all day, not moving a muscle. It would be nice to have him join me. Send away the cleaners and staff and just spend the day with him, soaking in the warm water.

I sighed as I thought of this. Maybe Victor was right, maybe he had spoiled me last night. I certainly felt spoiled. However, as much as I would have liked to continue lazing around and indulging myself, I knew it wasn't possible. Maybe I could get away with it later, but, for now, I had things to do.

Reluctantly, I got out of the water and dried off. The bath had helped a lot. My muscles weren't nearly as sore now. I could probably manage for today. I got dressed and went downstairs to wait for him.

What to do while I waited was the question. The records from yesterday flashed to mind. Right, I never finished with them. As I entered the lounge I noticed the checkerboard right where we had left it. We completely forgot about it.

I smiled at this. Next time I wanted to play games with Victor. I'm sure he'd have a lot more fun playing as himself. Then again, Victor would probably want to play something like strip poker. I giggled at the idea. In that case, I'd have to brush up on my poker skills.

I started picking up the pieces and putting them back in the box. I glanced out the window. It wasn't as dark as yesterday, but it was still kind of gray. It would probably rain again. I hoped I wouldn't have to deal with Arthur today. Just imagining that argument made me feel exhausted.

I set the game on the shelf and went back to organizing the records. Luckily, all the sleeves were kept in good condition. It was easy to tell what each record was. I could probably finish this in a day or two if I wasn't busy.

"What's this?!" I heard from down the hall.

I sighed. It seems the records would have to wait yet another day. I stood up and went out to meet him.

"Thomas!" I heard him call. "What's the meaning of this?"

Thomas? That meant it was either someone new or someone who didn't know he was gone. I hurried to meet him. He was pacing around the hallway outside the dining room, visibly annoyed. He looked up when he heard me approaching. His face softened a bit.

"Ah, Miss... Umm... Ms. Walton? Right?" He asked.

"Yes, sir," I said nodding.

He nodded too as if pleased he'd remembered my name correctly. Alright, so I'd definitely met him before. Who was he though? His face quickly went back to annoyance.

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