We Have A Problem

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I woke up with Mr. Weston's arms wrapped around me as tightly as they had been the night before. Again. I fell into the trap again. I sighed softly, wondering how I'd have to sneak away from them this time.

"Everything alright, Darling?"

I yelped a bit as I heard Mr. Weston's voice. I whipped my head around to look at him. He seemed just as surprised as I was. A smile slowly filled his face.

"Glad to see you're still easily startled. I think I'd miss that about you. It's pretty entertaining if nothing else."

My brain worked quickly, trying to process the information it was receiving. Undisturbed to find me in bed. Jack, Arthur, or Victor. Confident, so not Arthur. Jack or Victor. Darling?

"Jack?" I guessed.

"You're getting good at this," he teased. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "So, how have things been? Did I miss anything?"

I groaned and buried my face in the pillow. Miss anything? More like missed everything. I didn't even know where to start this time. I felt his hand rub my back.

"That bad, huh?" He sounded concerned. "What did they do this time?"

"Do you want the long version or the short version?" I mumbled into the pillow.

"Let's start with the short and work from there."

I sighed again and turned towards him. "Well, to make a very, very long, eventful, and complicated story short. I fucked Victor, Henry sliced his hand open, and Arthur wants me to break up with my boyfriends."

Jack's face went through a series of emotions. He seemed uncertain about which piece of information was the most important. His mouth opened and closed a couple times as he decided where to start.

"I-uh-Well..." He paused a moment. "I guess, to start, are you okay? My personal thoughts and feelings aside, that sounds like a lot for... umm, how many days?

"Three and you don't know the half of it," I groaned, shoving my face in the pillow again.

"Want to explain the rest of it to me after breakfast?"

I nodded into the pillow. Jack got up to get ready. I laid there a couple more minutes. It was like my body couldn't find the strength to get up.

I felt drained. Everything seemed to be piling up. Jack's feelings, Victor's feelings, Arthur's feelings. Not to mention all the little things I had to worry about too. House inspections, staff, Henry cutting himself, Samuel's bad attitude. Things that, on their own, were probably an inconvenience at best, but when I added them to my other problems they became way too much.

I felt completely overwhelmed and, for some reason, it was all catching up to me today. Maybe it was because of what happened with Arthur yesterday. Who knew? All I knew is that, yet again, I was focusing on everything except Jack. Would the day ever come where I could focus on the right person?

"Philip, can you bring a cart to my room? I'll have breakfast in bed today."

My head snapped up as I heard his voice. He smiled at me from across the room.

"Yes, Mr. Weston." The response echoed.

I was stunned. "Why-"

"Because you seem absolutely miserable," he explained. "Based on the short version, it sounds like a lot has happened recently. You look like you can barely get out of bed. If the other parts of me have put you through so much, then I feel it's my duty to take care of whatever damage they've caused in my absence. After all, you're their caretaker, not mine."

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