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My heart was racing all through lunch. A lot of this was probably due to the fact that I could see Jack eyeing me hungrily the entire time. He didn't say anything, but anytime I looked up, I seemed to meet his gaze. I could feel the butterflies forming in my stomach.

My night with Victor had been spur of the moment. Neither of us was really expecting it. We followed our passions without a thought about what came next. But Jack?

I knew what he wanted from me, and I knew when. I just didn't know what he had planned for it.

He had said, jokingly, that he wanted to "practice" to become my best lover. Although, seeing the way he was looking at me now, I wasn't sure how much he had been joking. What exactly did "practicing" entail? Was there something specific he wanted to do? Would I be expected to give feedback? God, like I needed that headache.

I also wasn't sure what I should be doing to prepare if anything. I spent ten minutes in the closet just deciding what to wear before I came down. Should I wear something sexy? Was that trying too hard? Would it be better to dress simply so I didn't seem too eager? It took me forever to decide.

I settled on nice clothes with sexy underwear. However, as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, I couldn't help wondering if that had been a bad decision too. Why was women's lingerie always so uncomfortable? Although, I guess most people probably didn't plan on wearing it for too long.

I glanced up only to have my eyes meet his again. I looked away quickly. I could feel my cheeks burning. All of my body was, actually. The anticipation was making me nervous.

Victor was right about one thing: sex was easier than intimacy. How intimate did Jack want to be though? He made it sound like it would be more of a passion-based, physical thing, but Jack wasn't really the emotionally detached type. Or was he?

After all, we'd never had sex before. Maybe he was different during. I wasn't really sure what this "reckless abandon" of his would look like. I was even less sure of how much, if anything, I should be contributing to it.

It looked like I was about to find out though. I watched as Jack wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up. He didn't say anything to me. Instead, he disappeared into the kitchen. He came out a moment later and smiled at me.

We had just eaten, but his eyes looked like he was a starved man. They traveled down my body slowly as if trying to decide where to devour first. I stood up, waiting for him to lead me back to the bedroom. But he didn't.

Instead, he walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me close and crushed his lips to mine. I was too stunned to move. I'd never seen Jack this aggressive before. With Victor, I was used to things like this, but with Jack? It was almost a little scary. Almost.

I could barely focus on my nervousness anymore over the tingling I felt throughout my body. My hands rested on his chest. I could feel his heart racing.

He pulled away from the kiss and moved his lips to my neck instead. I couldn't help the small gasp I let out as I felt his hot tongue against my skin.

My surprise only continued as he slid his hand up my skirt. I felt him tugging at my panties. Passionate encounter or not, I still had some of my good sense. I grabbed his wrist, trying to stop him.

"Jack, wait. We're in-"

"Philip's gone," he murmured. His voice was low and husky.

I couldn't hide my shock. "What?"

"I told you. I don't want to be interrupted again and, as you pointed out, he seems to have the worst timing when it comes to that sort of thing. I told him to head home for the day when I got down here. He already left. I just checked. He won't be back until tomorrow."

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