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welcome to my story guys!! Chapters are a little long, but I really hope you enjoy it!

*6 years ago*

Sandy walks into the Yellowstone Police Station where the officers are hustling and bustling on the phones and throughout the precinct. Her eyebrows raise at the commotion until she spots her darling Spencer pacing back and forth in front of a white board with red lines connecting various pictures. She makes her way over to him and he stops pacing "You made it" he sighs in relief as she sets down her bag and slides off her coat immediately getting started studying the whiteboard. "You call, I come. I'm easy like that" she winks and Spencer chuckles as she holds her hand out for the case file and compares it to the notes on the board. 

"Reid" a voice comes from behind them and both Sandy and Spencer turn in response to their name being called "Who is this" a tall, fit agent with brown skin and a bald head asks "Oh right, sorry. SSA Derek Morgan this is..." Spencer begins but Sandy nods in greeting "Dr. Alessandra Reid. Interpol." Special Agent Morgan's eyebrows raise at her last name and he points between the two of them as Sandy goes back to the case file "Reid? As in..." he starts but Sandy explains "I'm his sister" as she erases a line connecting a point on a map to another and Spencer turns to her with furrowed eyebrows. "Hey, what are you doing" asks Morgan and Sandy adds another point to the map before connecting the rest to it "You missed one" she explains quietly showing Spencer in the file where the girl had been taken instead of where her body had been found. 

"Tell me more about this guy" Sandy asks as an attractive man with black hair and a stern look on his face turns his attention to them "Oh, Hotch" Spencer's posture straightens immediately and he introduces "Sandy this is Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. He's our Unit Chief at the BAU" making Agent Hotchner raise an eyebrow but Sandy introduces herself "Dr. Alessandra Reid. Interpol" and Agent Hotchner nods "I've heard about you. You're their star interrogator." 

Sandy nods with a small smile and asks her brother "Why exactly am I here" so Spencer explains "Our UnSub has another girl being held somewhere. He won't tell us where she is, but wherever he's holding her fills with an inch of water every fifteen minutes" and Sandy understands immediately. Sandy asks "How do you know it's filling with water" and Morgan explains "We've got a live feed" before going to his phone and asking someone named "Garcia" to pull it up. The monitor in front of them fills with the image of a girl with her arms chained to cuffs on either side of a cylindrical cement tunnel. 

The agents wait for Sandy to flinch but she remains steady and Hotchner and Morgan exchange a confused glance that Spencer notices. "The guys she deals with make our UnSubs look like grade school bullies" he explains and Morgan shudders at the thought while Hotchner watches Sandy who still hasn't said a word as her eyes study every single detail of the image in front of her.

Rushing water. 

She can hear the sound of rushing water coming from somewhere near where the poor girl's being held. 

Waves? No. A waterfall? Not loud enough. 

She racks her brain recalling the sounds of every body of water she's ever been to and it hits her.

 "A river" she whispers as she looks back at the map on the board and sighs "There's too much area to cover all the rivers in Yellowstone" Spencer tells her and she nods in agreement. 

An inch every fifteen minutes. 

Four inches in an hour. 

Average height of a teenage girl is about 64 inches . 

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