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I'm not really sure if this chapter needs a warning, but just in case...
WARNING: Chapter contains
public sex

I nervously enter the bullpen which is teeming with agents from different departments and agencies all joined together to find Ian Doyle.

Emily's nowhere in sight.

Aaron spots me walking in and his jaw clenches as he approaches me and practically growls "My office. Now" before grabbing my arm and leading me towards his office. He shuts the door behind us and closes the blinds before turning to me and asking "Is there anything you need to tell me" but I shake my head. "Don't lie to me" Aaron orders and I feel my fingers nervously drumming against my thigh, but I force myself to keep them still.

"Do you want to know how I know you're hiding something from me" he asks before stepping closer and closer until my back hits the wall and he places his hand on the wall to keep me trapped.

"You said you and Emily became friends when you worked together at Interpol, but Emily's path never crossed with yours...except once, in France when you arrested her and Doyle. Now, I've racked my brain and every file Garcia has given me trying to find any other connection between the two of you, but I've found none. She's been staying with you for about the same time she's been acting strangely here at work. I know this because Spencer mentioned driving her home before going to see you, but he watched her pull into your parking garage with a bag and your guest keycard."

His voice is stern and deep.

He isn't playing games.

Not today.

He's worried.

Either about Emily, or about me, or both.

"Your team is here, too" he admits and my head turns to the shuttered windows but he takes his hand and turns me back so I'm looking him in the eyes. "Michel said he called you when they found out Doyle had escaped and you sounded flustered. He heard things rattling and it sounded like you were rushing to do something."

Aaron and I lock eyes as he searches mine for anything that'll give him an answer. "So, I'll ask you again" he begins but before he gets the chance to ask I admit "I went to Emily's the night that Michel called" quietly and he waits for me to continue. I gulp as he releases my face and tell him "I went to bring her back to my apartment. It's not in the database. I've made sure of it" while looking down at my hands "Why would you hide your address from your own agency" he asks and I admit "For situations like these."

He waits and I continue.

"I arrested Emily in France, with Doyle, and I interrogated him for hours. He was my first big arrest. Emily watched the interrogation; every minute of it. She was impressed, and I felt great because she's the one who was closest to Doyle so having her compliment me on my interrogation made me feel grandiose. We grew closer after that."

There are things I have to keep from him.

Things I can't tell him.

Emily and I have a secret that can't be revealed.

Not while Doyle's alive.

"You're hiding something" Aaron accuses but I shake my head revealing nothing in my expression and his eyes narrow cautiously as he studies me. He looks me over once before backing away and mentioning "I hope you have a go-bag. We're going to Boston" but I'd already figured as much when he called. Aaron opens his door to let me out of his office and I feel like a kid who just got yelled at by the school principal. "Wheels up in 30" Aaron orders and I spot my team sitting around one of the desks in the bullpen.

Temporary -An Aaron Hotchner Story-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon