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for my romance readers;

here's a little cute chapter between these two

The sunlight streaming in through the windows wakes me and I feel Aaron's warm chest rising and falling slowly under my head. 

No nightmares. 

That's odd. I move gently, careful not to wake Aaron, but as I pull away I notice a few healed scars on his exposed torso. What's this I wonder as my eyes scan over the 9 flat scars "Battle scars" his deep voice rasps as he opens one eye to look at me and sees my cheeks flush as I'm caught. 

"If you wanted to sneak out, you're doing a terrible job" he jokes and I just run a hand through my tangled hair explaining "I overslept" with a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Aaron runs a hand over his face as his eyes flutter open and he chuckles turning onto his side to put a hand on my waist but his fingers brush over the bandages on my lower stomach and his eyebrows scrunch.

 "Battle scars" I explain wrapping one of his blankets around me and moving my hair out of my face to look for my clothes so I can get home before I have to explain. "Those are pretty recent" Aaron notices sitting up in his bed and I nod my head as I grab my dress and purse unable to find my panties and head to the bathroom to get changed. "Sure" I breathe quickly to avoid any further questions as I shut the bathroom door behind me and slide on my dress before raking my fingers through my hair to make myself more presentable. Once I'm satisfied with the way I look, I dig through my purse to find the small travel toothbrush I always keep with me and brush my teeth to avoid the awkwardness of morning breath. 

I walk out of the bathroom and find Aaron stretching in nothing light blue pajama bottoms and I can't help but admire his physique as his arms ripple with every movement.

 "I should go" I explain as he looks up at me and I remember my coat is downstairs "I'll drive you" he offers but I shake my head quickly. "No, I'm fine really" I nearly plead and I know I sound insane to him, but I didn't even plan on spending the night at his place and in all honesty I've been waking up before dawn since the hospital so I thought I'd definitely be gone by now. 

Aaron raises a dubious eyebrow and I chuckle while grabbing my heels off the floor "I know you want coffee" he teases and I sigh. 

I do want coffee. 

Having coffee here would save me the $7 I'll spend at the coffee shop, not to mention the awkward looks. 

"Fine, but coffee and I'm gone" I give in and Aaron seems pleased as I hold my shoes in my hand and head downstairs while he goes into the bathroom. 

Downstairs, I find my coat draped over the back of the couch and as I look around I see all the toys spread across the floor.

 I remember the little boy from the pictures. 

There's a pair of tiny rain boots by the door right next to a bigger pair which I assume are Aaron's. Other than the toys, the house is quite neat and in order, but I guess that's to be expected of someone who's rarely ever home. 

I would know. 

He decorates with dark color schemes. His sofa is chocolate brown and he has two accent chairs with geometric patterns of brown, tan and olive green. The rug is much lighter with specks of all shades of brown throughout it. 

There are lots of windows to let in the natural light that gives the living room a bit of brightness in contrast to it's dark décor.

 Aaron's home is almost exactly like his office; classic and serious, yet comfortable and inviting. 

Temporary -An Aaron Hotchner Story-Where stories live. Discover now