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Third Person POV

Things with the BAU team have changed completely.

Spencer's not only angry with JJ, but is now angry with Hotch for lying to his sister and trying to manipulate her. It's obvious, too. Everyone can tell Spencer's not happy with either of them.

Hotch's recent lighter moods have darkened since Sandy hasn't been answering his calls, although she answers when Jack video calls her from his Skype Kids app. She talks to him for a little bit, but she always ends the call early claiming to have a lot of work to do.

No new case today.

Just paperwork.

Spencer scribbles on a piece of paper at his desk and Emily throws small crumpled sticky notes at him to try and get his attention.

"Stop that" he warns, but she continues until he sighs and looks up "WHAT" he whispers, annoyed, and she asks "What's up with you? First JJ now Hotch" but Spencer just blinks and goes back to his paperwork.

"Woah, pretty boy" Morgan notices the exchange and Spencer rolls his eyes before looking up and asking "What now" making Morgan's eyebrows raise from the sass. "I'm assuming that since Hotch is back to his usual self and you're upset with him about some secret thing...Sandy's the cause of this" Morgan guesses but Spencer just grumbles "My sister didn't cause anything" as he pushes down on his pencil a little too hard and it breaks.

He throws the pencil into the trash and leans back in his chair taking a few deep breaths to steady himself.

"Reid" Hotch's voice comes from upstairs and Spencer looks up at him as he motions him to his office. Morgan and Emily exchange concerned glances as Spencer gets up from his desk and drudges up to Hotch's office.

Hotch shuts the door.

"Uh oh" Emily utters as both she and Morgan stare up through the window hoping to catch at least the gist of the conversation.

In Hotch's office, Spencer sits stiffly and Hotch asks "Is there something you'd like to say to me" finally fed up with Spencer's attitude this entire week. Spencer shakes his head, but Hotch doesn't buy it.

"You're upset about something" he assumes and Spencer nods "I am" but that's all he says and Hotch's eyes narrow "Is this about your sister?" Spencer's eyes darken as he locks eyes with his Unit Chief and Hotch nods "Could it have anything to do with why she isn't returning any of my calls" but Spencer just frowns "Are you trying to use me to figure out if you did something wrong? Or are you blaming me for your trouble?"

The hostility in his voice is apparent and it takes Hotch by surprise.

"I'm not using you" he explains to Spencer, but he won't listen "If you brought me in here to talk about my sister I suggest you go see about that, but if there's nothing else I'll be leaving now." He waits for a second but Hotch is taken aback by Reid's anger and says nothing.

Spencer leaves his office and goes back down to his desk, gathers his things and asks "Can I use your office" to Morgan who nods in confusion. He passes through the bullpen to the back offices leaving everyone completely shaken.

Hotch stands at the top of the stairs watching Spencer disappear as Dave struts over to stand next to him.

"Trouble in paradise" he asks jokingly, but Hotch doesn't laugh. It's not just trouble; there's a storm coming and he's not so sure he's prepared for it.


There's a knock at Sandy's door.

She's expecting Spencer, but when she swings it open she sees Aaron standing there with a stern expression and she freezes. "Aaron" she gasps as he waits "May I come in" he asks and she nods with wide eyes as he makes his way past her and into her nearly empty living room.

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