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Hotch's POV

I can't wipe the smile off my face as I step off the elevator onto the 6th floor trying my best to purse my lips and avoid being bombarded by questions.

Too late.

"You look happy, boss" JJ comments, confused, and I nod as my stern face returns before I admit "I had a good weekend. I hope you did" but she just nods as I make my way through the bullpen and into my office.

It was a great weekend.

Saturday at Alessandra's apartment and Sunday at the Science Center with my son.

Flashes of Sandy's giggles and flushed cheeks invade my thoughts as I sit down to go over the paperwork that's waiting for me. The way she'd look at me through her lashes when she felt shy about telling me something.

I lean back in my chair realizing it's going to be ridiculously hard to get any work done today.

Her moans play in my mind like a record on repeat and each time I blink I see her smooth skin beneath my hands.


I try throwing myself into my work to get her off my mind.

Maybe if I focus on Jack. He loved the Science Center. We got to bounce around the stations making clay volcanoes and mimicking chemical reactions with vinegar and baking soda. Jack's favorite part of the Science Center was making a Magnetic Sensory Bottle; we took magnetic printer ink, a clear bottle, and water, then he danced around shaking the bottle until the particles became so tiny. He made a wand out of magnets and a straw and we watched the ink particles separate from the massive clump at the top of the bottle to follow the magnets.

Jack didn't want to go anywhere else.

He loved it.

I smile as I get back to my work, but there's a knock at my door and I look up seeing Strauss waiting for me to invite her in. I stand respectfully and offer her a seat as she asks "How did your case go in New York" but I explain to her "Fairly easy, we only had to wait on his movements before we could get him" so she nods before asking "And Agent Reid?"

I tell her "She was great. Everything went exactly as she'd planned. She threatened him with Spanish prison knowing he'd give her Manzoni in exchange for an Italian prison, but she'd already predicted it and she sent him to Badu e' Carros, much to his dismay" and she nods mumbling "It's where he belongs" before turning her attention back to me and asking "Who spoke to him?"

She's leading up to something.

"Agent Reid spoke to him" I explain and she asks "Alone" but I shake my head "I was watching closely, but I wasn't in the room as to not interrupt the line of questioning." Strauss seems to try and think hard on how to word her next question. "How would you describe their rapport" she finally asks me and I take a deep breath remembering his vulgar language and insults "You could tell they had history. Arabietti was incredibly vulgar, but, in my opinion, Agent Reid handled it quite well" so Strauss raises an eyebrow and asks "Breaking his nose was handling it well?"

I gulp.

"With all due respect, Agent Strauss, Agent Reid read the room as any agent would and she did what she had to in order to gain control and assert dominance in the interrogation room. I didn't question her methods because, had it been me in the room instead of her, I would have done the same"

if not worse

I leave that out as his words enrage me.

Alessandra really impressed everyone that day.

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