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The sun streams into my bedroom and I start to stretch but Aaron's hand goes around my waist and pulls me to him. I giggle and he nuzzles his face into my neck whispering "Let's spend the day in bed." His words bring a goofy smile to my face and my cheeks flush furiously.

I open my mouth to accept his offer, but he turns my face onto his and connects our lips.


Let's stay in bed.

He smiles into the kiss as I melt in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me.

My phone rings.

I freeze.

Aaron mumbles "Ignore it" but I pull away from his lips and sit up in bed. The blanket falls from my body and I head up to my bathroom door to grab my robe before going to find my phone still sitting in my purse by the door.

I don't recognize the number.

"This is Dr. Reid" I answer with a slight gulp already knowing what the call will be about.

Dr. Reid this is Xander Beauchamp from Headquarters.

My hands turn clammy and I greet "Good morning, Mr. President" trying to keep my voice down as I hear Aaron go into the bathroom.

I'm sure Chief Monroe already spoke to you about my reaching out to you.

He explains and I nod my head as if he could see me before answering "Yes, sir. We spoke at my reinstatement hearing"

Well there are a few offices that have submitted an interest in you.

I have to be careful with my responses.

A perk of having a profiler in my bedroom.

"I'm very flattered, sir"

Our offices in London have expressed an enormous amount of interest in having you as Chief, but I understand there is a position opening at the end of the month as chief of your own office there in D.C.

"Yes, sir. Chief Monroe explained"

My shower turns on and I practically sigh in relief as the Director goes on.

I also had a last minute submission from our Italian offices. They were very impressed with your actions in New York and they've offered you Head of Terrorism.

Oh my.

I can give you some time to ponder the offers and I've forwarded emails with the details and benefits each position would offer, including pay grade.

"Thank you, sir. I really appreciate the opportunities and I will be reaching out with my decision soon."

The call ends and I take a much needed breath as the shower in my bedroom turns off and I just run a hand through my hair with the offers bouncing around in my thoughts. I drift into the kitchen still completely in my head hearing my phone ping, likely with the email from the President.

Just don't think about it right now.

I try and push the offers to the back of my mind as I boil some water to put into the coffee maker.

Aaron comes out of my room in black sweatpants and a tight grey t-shirt. "I'm going to pick up Jack...and maybe some breakfast" he offers with a raised eyebrow waiting for my response and I smile with a nod. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my lips sweetly before offering "Coffee too" and I melt into a puddle.

I love you.


My intrusive thoughts ruin the moment before it can even properly begin and I pull away with a simple nod saying "Yeah, sounds good" leaving Aaron slightly confused. I turn the stove off and he asks "Who was on the phone" wondering if maybe that was what soured my mood.

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