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Lionel was sent to one of Italy's ultra-max prisons.

Lorenzo is in a maximum security prison in Indiana, but because of his advanced age he's in their senior cell block with all the comfort he could possibly need.

Two mobsters.

One day.

"I really outdid myself" I joke at Emily as she sits beside me at the table on the jet and she sighs "Can't wait to hear what Victoria has to say about it."

Victoria's the head of my department, all Unit Chiefs report to her the way Aaron has to report to Strauss.

Spencer and Aaron sit across from us and Spencer mentions "She'll be proud of you for taking down two of the biggest fish" but Emily and I exchange a glance knowing that won't be the case. "Victoria can be a bit...insecure" Emily explains and I rest my head on my hand for a second until I see the red marks around my wrists and hide it quickly, pulling my sleeves down further, so no one sees.

Aaron notices and I see the corners of his lips twitching making my cheeks flush before I clear my throat and I explain "She keeps a close eye on all her unit chiefs...she thinks we're after her job." Aaron raises an eyebrow as Morgan comments from behind us "I know the type" and Aaron chuckles as Emily and I exchange another glance knowing how alike Erin and Victoria can be.

"That's not fair" JJ defends and we all turn to her but she explains "The workplace has always been a huge boy's club. Strauss and Victoria aren't insecure for no reason. When you put a woman in a position of power it's only a matter of time till a man tries to undermine her and eventually take her job."

I couldn't agree more.

Emily gives me a look that shows me she agrees as well and the guys all exchange awkward glances.

"I hope you've never felt that way here" Aaron mentions and JJ smiles in reassurance "Of course not, Hotch" which seems to relax the boys a bit.

I chuckle at the conversation.

Everyone goes back to their activities and I go back to my book, Les Miserables, the unabridged version in French.

Rossi scrolls through some article on his phone, Aaron starts filling out reports, Emily tries to get some sleep, Spencer tries putting together a borderless puzzle, Morgan listens to music, and JJ lies down on the couch to get some sleep like Emily.

"How many Earths could fit inside the sun" asks Rossi and without even looking up from what we're doing Spencer and I answer "1.3 million" making Emily pick her head up with a raised eyebrow. Rossi stays silent for a moment before asking "How many of the speeches in Shakespeare's plays are recited by women" and I beat Spencer to it this time "17%" with a wink.

We stop what we're doing and glance at Rossi as he waves his phone in the air and says "I found an article: 50 Trivia Questions Only Geniuses Can Answer."

Morgan removes his headphones to listen in and I just shake my head as I go back to my book but Spencer, who loves exercising his mind, looks eager as he continues his puzzle.

"Where were the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights stored during World War II" Rossi asks and Spencer answers "Fort Knox" so Rossi narrows his eyes and challenges "Alright. Speed round."

"Which country consumes the most chocolate per capita?"

"In which country was the largest-known T-Rex skeleton found?"

"What's a duel between three people called?"
"A truel."

" What was the first animated film to be nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards?"

Spencer stops and I look up from my book seeing his eyes darting back and forth practically seeing him searching the files in his brain.

"Beauty and the Beast" I answer for him and Rossi's eyebrows raise as I look to my brother before explaining "I hate Disney, so for moral support Spencer didn't watch the movies" and Morgan goes "Aww." Spencer looks at me with a smile and I smile back before turning the page of my book and starting the next chapter.

"So you didn't watch Disney movies growing up" asks JJ and I shake my head "Disney's somehow managed to slowly take over the world and if any company opposes their monopolization loses so much money they eventually have no choice but to accept an offer from Disney...and the kingdom grows" I explain and Spencer adds "They also completely stole their 'fairytales' from the Brothers Grimm."

The team looks between the two of us as if we'd just eaten the heads off a children's toy in front of them.

"So you'd prefer the Brother's Grimm versions" asks Emily and both Spencer and I nod "They're fascinating" I mention and Emily just chuckles before laying her head back on her seat.

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