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What I like most about Sundays is that I can wake up whenever I want, grab a book and spend my whole day reading it. So you imagine I am not quite happy when early in the morning someone knocks on my door waking me up. My parents are out of town again and this means I have to get up from bed to open that door possibly killing the person that wakes me up so early on a Sunday. I put my robe and my slippers on, not even opening my eyes as I go down the stairs seriously thinking about grabbing a knife to stab someone. 

When I open the door a perfect-looking Liam stares back at me with a huge smile, two cups of coffee in one of his hands and a box of donuts in the other. He wears his usual all-black outfit, black jeans, a bleak shirt, black boots, and his obviously black leather jacket. His hair is a mess, but I know damn well he spends a lot of time making his hair look like that, and his dark eyes are way too awake for this hour. 

"If no one is in trouble and you woke me at fucking 6 AM, you're going to be the one in trouble."

I say walking back inside the house, collapsing on my living room couch without even looking back to see if he came inside. 

"It's 7, not 6."

He says from behind me like that hour makes a huge difference. I almost fall asleep again, but of course, he can't just come in, take a seat, drink his coffee, and shut the fuck up. No, he walks into the kitchen to do I don't know what, but it sounds like he's breaking all of my mom's plates. He then walks into the living room and starts talking and talking and talking. I don't know about what, but he won't just shut up.

"Do you even hear me? "

He sits next to me, lifting me to place me on his lap, holding me like I am some freaky giant baby, and brushing away the hair on my face. I manage to open my eyes to find his beautiful dark eyes staring back at me and his lips dangerously close to mine. 

"Can we please go to bed now? "

I say with a sleepy voice and an even sleepier brain because it takes me too much time to understand the words that just got out of my mouth and register the cookie smile on Liam's face.

"I mean, go to bed to sleep..."

He sighs in a fake relief when I explain myself feeling my cheeks burning.

"Thank God, cookie! I should at least take you out on a date before you invite me to your bed."

I hit his shoulder playfully as I always do when he makes fun of me, and he always does, but we always end up laughing about it two seconds later, just like we are now. He puts one of the coffee cups on my hands and brings one of the chocolate donuts to my lips.

"Eat," Liam instructs me and I do as he asks, unable to resist donuts, they are my favorite thing ever. And since I told him this two months ago or so, he always buys them for me even if he hates them and I bet he also hates driving 20 minutes to the other side of town to get them from my favorite donut shop. 

I know it's the kind of thing a very nice boyfriend would do for his girlfriend, just as I know the way we always seem to touch each other is not normal for friends and just as I know almost everything we do screams 'relationship'. But he makes me feel so good that I decided to just enjoy what we have for as long as it lasts without questioning or asking for explanations. We both know now what we can and what we can not offer to each other so as long as we keep that in mind everything will be fine. 

"Now, take this coffee upstairs, take a shower, change your pink pajama to something comfortable and let's get out of here. We are already late."

I frown at him taking another bite from the donut and washing it up with a sip of coffee. 

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