13-31 of January 2020

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13-16 of January

They have a couple of days free again and they take a trip to visit their families. Louis has an interview with Rolling Stones in the morning on the 14th and they head back to London the day after.

17 of January

"I wish you could be there with me." Louis says, looking sad.

"Me too. Someday. Have an amazing night and I want to hear everything about it when you come home." Harry answers and hugs his husband.

A car comes and picks him up and drives him to Wembley Stadium for a meet and greet and listening party. Louis takes his time with the fans, posing for pictures and writes autographs.

He's nervous when it's time to play his album but the fans seem to like it. He's watching them curiously and about half of them scream out loud when his song Habit starts to play and the line 'It's been ages, different stages, come so far from Princess park' plays. He smirks in amusement. He has spotted the Larries in the crowd. They give him so much hope that maybe he and Harry will be accepted the day they finally can come out.

He has an absolutely amazing evening, but there's one thing missing, his wonderful husband. He wishes he could have shared this with him.

He's tired but happy when he gets home later that night and Harry is waiting for him, eager to hear how it went. He lays on top of him and hugs him tightly with his ear pressed against his chest so he can hear his heartbeat. Harry runs his fingers through his hair and Louis almost purrs.
"Tell me all about it." Harry says softly.

So Louis starts to talk, making sure to tell his better half about the reaction to Princess Park and when he's done they make love and fall asleep in each other's arms.

18-21 of January

They spend a few days at home. Harry rents a whole restaurant two days later to take his husband out to celebrate his listening party. They have a wonderful, romantic evening together.

Louis has to go to Copenhagen for a few days to see his vocal coach Helene anď Harry goes with him. He sees no point in staying home if Louis isn't there with him.

22 of January

Louis has an interview with BBC One Show. He's there to surprise one of his fans Isabella and her little brother Lucas. She makes Youtube videos teaching people sign language and Louis just thinks it's amazing. He and Harry learned some during their One Direction days so they could show each other affection without saying it out loud.

He wishes Harry had been here with him. He would have adored Isabella's story about signing for her brother so he understood music. 

He gets to perform walls as well. Altogether, a great day and he tells Harry all about it when he gets home. Harry is moved as expected and they spend the rest of the night watching Isabellas Youtube videos. 

23- 29 of January

Harry has to be in L.A. so they take an early private plane over the Atlantic. They both have a busy schedule ahead of them with their tours starting. They have tried to combine them so they can spend as much time together as possible. Or Harry has combined his with Louis' when Louis record label wouldn't cooperate.

They spend a couple of days together in L.A. Harry has meetings with his management during the days but they have most of their evening free.

They throw a private dinner party with some of their closest friends and it's a success.

There's a virus spreading around in the world and everything feels uncertain at the moment. No one knows what's really happening. Harry and Louis are both worried.

30 of January

They part ways at the end of the month. Harry flies to Florida to shoot his music video to watermelon sugar, do an On-Air interview and perform at the Pepsi Zero Sugar Super bowl. Louis goes to New York to be on Tonight's show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his new album that will finally come out the next day. He fought hard to even get an album and even harder for his songs.

"You're going to be amazing!" Harry says and gives his husband a goodbye kiss in the car where no one can see them.

"So are you!" Louis smiles and caresses Harry's cheek lovingly.

"Okay, see you in two days." Harry sighs and steals one last kiss before he gets out of the car.

The driver continues to a different drop-off and Louis gets out as well.
He kills it at Tonight's show later that day. He calls Harry as soon as he's at his hotel room later that night. He sounds sad.
"What happened love?"

"The show got canceled last minute due to stormy weather and that's okay, safety first, but I was really looking forward to doing the show." Harry sighs. 

"Oh, I'm sorry baby. Of course, you're disappointed." Louis answers softly.

"Yeah, anyhow, I have a radio interview tomorrow but then I'm flying to New York so I can be there for your album drop." Harry says, sounding happier from the prospect of being able to support his husband.

"Really? That's great Hazza!" Louis smiles.

They talk some more before they have to hang up to get some sleep. Louis will be twisting and turning the whole night anyway when he's sleeping alone. He really hates it.

31 of January

Louis can't sleep. He's too excited and he has no husband to snuggle. As soon as the album drops he goes online to see the fan's reactions. He chain-smokes while he scrolls through Twitter. They like it! He feels relieved.

As time pass he hits number one on the charts around the world. He can't believe it! He's number one in fifty countries. That's crazy! He's absolutely overwhelmed and tries to express his gratitude in a tweet. Harry calls.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Harry shouts as soon as he answers.

"Why are you awake Haz?" Louis smiles.

"Are you kidding me? I can't sleep now. You're number one in fifty countries! Fifty! That's incredible Lou! Amazing. I'm so fucking proud. Oh God, I'm gonna cry." Harry says and starts to sob.

"Don't cry love, you're making me cry as well." Louis says and breaks down.

"It's just...you worked so hard Lou, and you had to fight so much to get this album out and the fans know it, they fucking know it and now you finally get the recognition you deserve and I'm so happy for you. Oh, and proud! Did I say proud already? I love you, sweetcheeks!" Harry wails.

"I love you too babycakes. Thank you." Louis sobs.

Louis has a morning interview with SiriusXM studios and then he does a signing. Harry shows up to support him but keeps hidden in the back but just knowing that he's there means the world to Louis.

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