1-31 of December, 2020

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1-12 of December

Harry stops filming at the beginning of December and they head back to England. They go to their country house and Harry spends days Christmas decorating it with Louis' help of course. He just loves this time of year. All the lights and the glitter and the snow, and best of all his spouse's birthday!

They light the fireplace and drink hot chocolate with marshmallows under a blanket watching Christmas movies. Louis loves this time of year as well. For him, it's all about family and to watch his beautiful husband so happy and excited. He's just adorable and he happily wears the stupid reindeer sweater Harry bought him years ago just to see that dimpled smile on his husband's face. He can't wait for the day they have children. 

13 of December

The day when their contract with Syco ends has finally arrived. They both cry happy tears and hug each other in bed when they wake up in the morning and then they make love as free men.

All of their old bandmates show up at their doorstep later that day and they all hug each other and laughs.  
"We're free!" Niall shouts and pulls out a bottle of tequila.

"Fuck Simon!" Zayn yells.

"I'm so happy for you two." Liam states and gives the married couple another hug.

"Thanks." Harry beams.

"I'm also really happy. You can finally come out! You're coming out, right? I don't have to wait another decade?" Niall says looking anxious.

"Relax Ni, yes, we're coming out but we're waiting until New Year's Eve to do it." Louis smiles.

"Are you nervous? For the record, I'm also really happy for you. I know I left you hanging but I couldn't do it anymore." Zayn says apologetically.

"We don't blame you for getting out early Zaynie." Harry says softly

"Yeah, they really did a number on you." Louis snorts.

The rest of them nods their heads in agreement.
"Welcome, now show me baby pictures. Khai is adorable Zayn! Well, Bear too of course Li." Harry smiles.

The fathers on the group immediately get their phones and they sit down in the living room to look at pictures. Zayn has about thousands of photos of his baby girl and shows them proudly.
"When we're on the topic of children I guess this is the time to tell you that there's an article coming out tomorrow revealing that I'm not Freddie's father, with a paternity test to prove it." Louis says.

"Finally!" Niall shouts.

"Yeah, but I tried not to shade Briana in any way, that poor kid doesn't deserve to have his mum being dragged in the gutter. The focus will be on Modest." Louis explains and Harry takes his hand for support.

They spend the rest of the day and night talking, laughing, drinking, and eating, sharing memories of their One Direction days and celebrating their freedom. When the night is over they have all agreed on bringing the band back together next year. They just have to figure out how to combine their solo careers and the band without risking their mental health. They're never going back to work as they used to while in the band.

14 of December

The article regarding babygate comes out and Harry and Louis hide at home until the storm blows over. They just revealed a scandal and the whole world is upset for Louis' sake. They follow the discussion on Twitter and Tumblr. When their fans start to throw hate on Briana both Louis and Harry turn to Twitter.


Thank you for all the support and love you're giving me! Please, don't hate B, she's a victim of a vicious Management as well. Remember that she was young when they agreed to this. We all make mistakes. I don't hate her and neither should you. Love is the answer and Love always wins. I'm sorry. /Louis X


Support Louis with love. Remember there's an innocent child in the middle. Treat people with kindness. All the love. /H

The fact that Harry commented on the situation makes people go crazy but the hate at least stops for the most part.

15-23 of December

They fix the rest for the wedding. The days go by fast.

24 of December

Harry wakes Louis with breakfast in bed while he sings Happy birthday. They celebrate his birthday quietly with good food and presents.

25 of December

Both their families show up at their country house to celebrate Christmas and Louis's birthday and they have a lovely time together.

26-30 of December

They're both getting nervous as their wedding is approaching, for two reasons, the wedding itself and that they're finally coming out as a couple after ten years.

New years eve

Most of the guest arrives the day before. Everything is in place and Harry and Louis are getting dressed in separate rooms. Harry has the boys with him while Louis' sisters take care of him.

When the ceremony finally starts Harry's legs hardly carry him down the aisle but as soon as his eyes meet Louis' he feels calm. His husband is looking at him with so much love in his eyes that Harry immediately tears up. Louis holds out a hand for him to take as soon as he reaches the end of the aisle.
"You look beautiful." Louis says.

"So do you." Harry smiles.

The minister starts to talk.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate love and to witness these two men renew their vows to each other. They got married seven years ago where they promised to love and cherish each other until death do they part. Marriage is about falling in love with the same person over and over again, and from what I've been told Louis and Harry Tomlinson do that every day. They have prepared their own wedding vows."

"Harry, we got married in secret in a hurry because we didn't want to wait. It's the best decision I ever made. I have loved you since I was eighteen and my love for you grows stronger and deeper by the day. You make me so happy and I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I promise that I'm never gonna take us for granted. I promise that I'm always gonna be there for you no matter what and I promise that I will love you with everything I have. You're my forever after. I love you, baby." Louis says, trying his best to keep the tears away and failing miserably. 

"Lou, I'm the lucky one. You're absolutely amazing and I love everything about you. You're my greatest support, the one I lean on in hardship and the one I want to share my success with. My greatest achievement in life will always be the fact that I get to be your husband. I would be lost without you. You're my everything and I can't even try to describe the love I feel for you but know this, I'm as in love with you today as I was at age sixteen, and more, so much more. You complete me. I promise to never let you go. I promise to be a shoulder you can cry on, the ship that takes you through every storm. I promise that you'll have my love and adoration for as long as we live. I love you so much Boo." Harry says with tear-drenched cheeks.

"That was beautiful. As a token for this alliance, you may kiss to seal your vows." The minister says.

Louis and Harry smile at each other. They reach out a hand to wipe each other's cheeks from tears before they step into each other's embrace to share a sweet kiss. Their wedding guests cheers.

They have the wedding party of a lifetime after that and they're both happy to share this special day with their loved ones.

Just before midnight they find a quiet place and sit down to compose a tweet. They attach a photo of them kissing and writes:

@Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles

We have loved each other for a decade and today we renewed of vows. We don't have to hide anymore. This is a happy day and we hope you all share it with us. All the love/ The Tomlinson's

The End

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