14-31 of March 2020

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14 of March

"What do you say about taking an online course to learn sign language?" Louis asks.

They are spending a lazy day on the couch and Louis has his laptop in his lap.
"That sounds awesome!"

Louis smiles and turns the laptop around to show him the page he has found. 
"Sign us up!" Harry grins.

15 of March

Harry has an interview with The project and sets up a link in their library.
"Harry I'm wondering, just how much love does a ticket to your love on tour get me?" The woman interviewing him starts off asking.

"About two hours. You get about two hours of love...from me." Harry answers and glances at Louis off camera.

"That's pretty good value." The woman laughs.

"I like...I like to think so yeah." Harry smiles.

"Me too." Louis mouths and smiles.

"You're gonna be here just in time for summer. Is that a coincidence?" The woman asks.

"Do I purposely time coming to Australia with the fact that it's summer? No. Is it a nice coincidence? Yes, it is. Eh, it's a wonderful time to be down there. I always had an amazing time in Australia so... eh, people are really great so I'm excited to come back." Harry says, reminiscing over the time he spent in Australia on tour with the boys.

"How proud are you over your fans?" The woman continues.

"I'm really proud of them. Eh, I think it's a...I think the thing I noticed eh, most on the last tour is just, is just the atmosphere in the room during the shows. I think it was really open, like excepting the environment and it was something like people would comment on when they leave the shows. It was just, you know, the atmosphere in the room was really special and that's obviously something I'm really excited going back to." Harry answers truthfully.

She asks a couple of more questions and they talk about his choice of clothes and nude picture on the album before she asks him if he's still is a Daryl Braithwaite fan and he tells her that it's more like a lifestyle. 
"That's so true. You committed, I've been committed since I was sixteen, which is a long time." The woman says.

Harry can't help but smile and looks down briefly. He just wants to scream "Me too, look, here's my wonderful husband!" but he bites his tongue.

She asks a couple of more questions before they sign off.
"You totally wanted to shout my name, didn't you?" Louis smirks.

"Yep. I have also been committed since I was sixteen. That's a long time!" Harry smiles.

"It sure is baby cake. Come on, Let's get to bed." Louis smiles and extends his hand for Harry to take.

17- 18 of March

Harrys manager Jeffrey calls the next day. After both make sure that the other one is safe and healthy Jeffrey states his reason for calling.
"So, from now on you have to say that you're spending your quarantine in Los Angeles." Jeffrey sighs.

"Why?" Harry immediately questions.

"I got a phone call from Syco reminding me of the contract you signed as One Direction." Jeffrey explains, clearly uncomfortable.

"What? So Lou and I can't even be quarantined in the same country? That's bullshit!" Harry argues upset.

"Yeah, well, my hands are tied. There will be an old pap pic of you out tomorrow and a few after that. Just make sure to say you're in L.A. in interviews." Jeffrey answers.

"Fine, whatever." Harry huffs.

They hang up and Harry immediately tells Louis about the phone call he just received. Louis stares at him in disbelief.
"Okay, that's it! I'm calling our lawyer first thing tomorrow. It's time for me to part ways with Syco." He growls.

"Wouldn't that get you into trouble?" Harry asks worriedly.

"I don't fucking care! I only signed with them so they would let you go. I'm not gonna be their puppet anymore." Louis huffs.

"I still can't believe you did that for me. I'll support you every step of the way, no matter how much it will cost us." Harry answers emotionally.

"There's literally nothing I wouldn't do for you Haz, you know that. If you called to say that you murdered someone, let's say Simon for the fun of it, I would come running to help you get rid of the body." Louis smirks.

"Good to know." Harry chuckles.

The next day a photo of him in his car is in the newspapers. He looks at it with an amused smile.
"This one is from when I went to get my butt fixed." He cackles.

"Speaking about that butt..." Louis smirks and wiggles his eyebrows.

19 of March

"Oh my fucking God, this photoshoot is brilliant! You look amazing baby. Fishnet stockings? This will be my new wanking material." Louis jokes.

Harry smacks him in the head lightly but starts to giggle nevertheless.

20-31 of March

Louis calls their lawyer first thing the next day and he promises to look into it quietly.

They spend a little more than a week hanging around in their house. They take the sign language class and practice with each other. Harry goes through his wardrobe in this house and finds many items he forgot he had in the first place and throws Louis a private fashion show in the living room.

They check in on their loved ones daily and spends a lot of time singing together and taking the dogs on their daily exercise.

One night they listen through all five One Direction albums in a row and talk about all the amazing memories they share.

Harry decides that they have to do a little bit of spring cleaning and turns the house upside down.

They watch movies, make love, and have deep conversations and it does feel a little like a second honeymoon.

Harry has two radio interviews at the end of the month and he announces that his world tour is postponed.

"I can't believe your crappy management won't promote you, Lou. They haven't booked a single interview for the whole month." Harry says upset.

Louis just shrugs his shoulders.
"I'm not surprised."

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