16-18 of February, 2020

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16-17 of February

They spend a couple of days at home relaxing after the scary robbery. Harry has to go in for rehearsals and costume fittings considering he's performing at the Brits but other than that they hang out in their living room eating buckets of ice cream that Louis has bought. They have a lot of sex too now that Harry finally can enjoy bottoming like he uses to.

18 of February

Louis lets out a wolf whistle when Harry steps out of their walk-in closet.
"Wow, such a gorgeous man. I might take you home with me tonight if you're lucky." Louis grins and wiggles his eyebrows.

Harry giggles.
"I sure hope so. You look beautiful Lou. That's such a great suit."

Harry walks up to Louis who is leaning against the back of the couch and wraps his arms around his neck to kiss him.
"I wish we could sit together." He sighs.

"Me too. But I'll be in the room watching you perform." Louis answers and caresses Harry's cheek with his thumb.

"I'll sing for you. It's just...when we were in One Direction we could at least sit next to each other. I could tell you when I thought something was funny or good or whatever. I miss that." Harry pouts.

"Soon." Louis promises. "And even if I'm not next to you tonight I'm gonna laugh at the same things because I know you and I know your reactions."

"Yeah, but it's not the same." Harry sighs.

"I know. I love you." Louis says and kisses him.

"I love you too." Harry smiles and leans his forehead against Louis'.

'You're gonna smash is. You're gonna do great." Louis encourages.

"And then I'm gonna get smashed and do you." Harry grins.

Louis snorts amused.
"Are you sure about that hun? I think you'll get smashed, then you'll get moody and needy and horny and then you're gonna beg me to fuck you."

Harry starts to cackle.
"Yeah, that sounds more accurate."

"And I'll be happy to oblige." Louis winks.

"Good. I think we need to get going." Harry smiles.

They share one last kiss and head outside to the waiting car. Louis sneaks inside while Harry poses on the red carpet.

Louis tries to stay invisible but then he sees two of his old bandmates and he has to talk to them. Liam and Niall are happy to see him and they hug it out and talk for a while.

He finds his table and chats with the people sitting with him until the show kicks off. He watches the host Jack Whitehall in his opening speech and smiles fondly when his own husband shows up on the screen in one of his onesies. He coos internally about how cute he looks.

He claps his hands at the winners even if he's disappointed that Harry didn't win the British album of the year or British male solo artist. The jury is clearly toned death morons.

When it's time for Harry's performance he sits up straight. He hadn't been allowed to see Harry's stage outfit beforehand. Harry wanted it to be a surprise. His mouth falls open when his beautiful husband enters the stage dressed in lace. He's trying to hold it together but as soon as Harry starts to sing his eyes fill with tears. He tries to discreetly wipe his eyes.

Harry is absolutely magnificent. Louis is so proud he could burst. Harry delivers an incredibly emotional performance and he's flawless and glowing. Louis is bawling his eyes out now but his only focus at the moment is Harry on that stage. The love he feels for that amazing man. They grew up together. He used to be an insecure sixteen-year-old boy who was afraid of what people would think of him and just look at him now. Louis is so fucking proud of his baby. So, so proud.

As soon as the performance is over he wipes his eyes and stands up to cheer louder than anyone. He pulls out his phone to send Harry a text, using as many superlatives he can think of, and ends it with telling him how proud he is and how much he loves him.

When Harry returns to his table he has changed into a yellow suit and Louis smiles fondly. He gets a response to his text and it just says "Thank you! Love you more!"

He spends the rest of the night eating and drinking. His dear husband is loud and all over the place. It seems like he's getting drunk as promised. Louis's looking forward to the end of the night. Harry always gets extra kinky and extra submissive when he had a few.

Harry heads to the after party but Louis goes home. He gets a call from Harry on the way home.
"I love you so much and I missed you all night." Harry slurs.

"Same sweetheart. Have fun at the after-party but try and sober up a bit, yeah? I have big plans for when you get home." Louis smiles. He's excited!

"Yesssss Sir!" Harry giggles.

Louis rolls his eyes fondly.
"Do you want me to come home now?" Harry pouts.

"Just have fun for a while baby. I'm not going anywhere." Louis says fondly.

"Love You, love you, love you. You're my favorites person in the whole wide world." Harry coos and make kissing sounds.

"Likewise. See you in a little while. Bye love." Louis says and hangs up.

He pays for the cab ride home and gets inside their house. He decides to take a shower before he'll set up their bedroom for what he has in mind. If Harry has sobered up until then, otherwise they'll just sleep.

When he's out of the shower and has prepared the bedroom he sits in front of the tv to kill some time. He checks his social media. There's a picture of Harry and Kendall and of course, that would mean that every gossip tabloid would be all over it in the morning. He was tired of seeing his husband being portrayed as a womanizer and he knows how much it hurts Harry.

Harry comes home an hour later, still a bit drunk but not wasted. He climbs into Louis's lap and kisses his breath away.
"I'm horny and I missed you."

"Well, I have a surprise for you in our bedroom." Louis smirks.

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