10-13 of March, 2020

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10 of March

Harry arrives in Madrid in time for the concert. He keeps Louis company in his lounge until he has to get on stage and then he sneaks to the VIP box to watch the concert.

Louis is absolutely killing it on stage and Harry hardly blinks so he won't miss a second of it. He's so proud that he gets all teary and his heart is about to burst. Louis is absolutely amazing down there and the audience loves him and knows every word to his songs.

He gets to experience first handed how the audience reacts to the Princess Park line in Habit and the turbulence his husband is causing with his cover of Catfish and The bottlemen. It's truly fantastic.

He tells him all that and more after the show and Louis is beaming. They spend the night in a hotel, making love.

11 of March

Harry does an interview with The Project NZ Exclusive in New Zealand, and a half through the interview one of the guys in the show notices his t-shirt. He hoped they would.
"And ah, you're a pretty stylish guy like myself. I see you're wearing a Keith Haring t-shirt, is that right?"

Harry looks down at his t-shirt and opens his cardigan a little bit more to show it off.
"That is... That is what it is, yeah. It says safe sex on it."

They all laugh.
"Good eye!" Harry says amused.

Louis is sitting off-camera covering his mouth so no one will hear him laugh. Priceless!

They order room service as soon as Harry is done with his interview.
"I love that t-shirt." Louis grins.

"Yeah, it's one of my personal favorites." Harry winks.

Louis's manager calls all of a sudden. Harry furrows his eyebrows when he sees Louis's facial expression change. He looks sad. Louis let out a deep sigh as soon as he hangs up the phone.
"So, the rest of my tour is canceled because of the pandemic. It's the right thing to do but I'm disappointed."

"Of course you are Boobear. I know how much you've been looking forward to this. I'm so sorry. Come here." Harry says compassionate and opens his arms.

Louis comes over and they hug.
"You know what? My tour is probably going to get canceled as well, or postponed, like yours. They said they would postpone it, right?" Harry asks in a worried tone.

"Yeah." Louis mutters. "They told me I have to go back to England right away. We're getting quarantined."

"Yeah, I have been following the news. It's bad Lou. People are dying all over the world." Harry says, sounding devastated.

"Let's just get home and lock ourselves in our house. I'm not losing you to a fucking pandemic." Louis answers, sounding scared.

"Yeah, we'll take a private plane first thing tomorrow. Don't worry sweetie, and hey! We'll get to spend a lot of time together. See it as a second honeymoon or something." Harry smiles.

"A pandemic isn't romantic Hazza." Louis chuckles.

"Of course not! That's not what I meant. I'm just glad we're together. Imagine if I had been in the US right now and had to stay there for God knows how long." Harry replies thoughtfully.

"I would go crazy." Louis states.

"Me too. Let's eat and make an early night." Harry says.

12 of March

They travel back to England the next day and head, to their country house after they picked up their dogs. They make sure to grocery shop so they will last for a while, fully stocking the kitchen.

The days go by. They take the dogs for walks but other than that they stay at home. Harry bakes a lot and tries new dishes.

After going through their medicine cabinet and panicking over the fact that they are almost out on everything Harry drives into London to visit the pharmacy. He buys everything he can think of, including a lot of lube. They don't wanna run out on that!

A fan stops him outside and he takes a picture with her before he gets in his car and drives back home.
"We're doing face masks!" He yells as soon as he enters the house.

"No way!" Louis shouts back from the living room.

"Yes way, I have this amazing one from Elisabeth Arden. It makes your skin really smooth." Harry says excitedly as he walks into the living room.

Louis rolls his eyes at him and Harry leans down for a kiss.
"Pretty please? And then you can try that nail kit you bought me for my birthday."

"Okay." Louis smiles. He can't say no to those puppy eyes.

Harry gives him an excited smile and runs to get what they need. Twenty minutes later they have applied face masks and Louis is trying to do his nails.

13 of March

"You're such a slob! I don't want to trip over your dirty underwear all the time. We do own a laundry basket!" Harry growls angrily and shakes one of Louis's old boxers in front of Louis's face.

"We've been together for a decade Harry and this makes you angry now, today? What the fuck!" Louis growls back.

"I'm not your mum! I'm not gonna pick up your stuff!" Harry huffs.

"You did not just say that!" Louis shouts and jumps up from the couch.

They stare at each other angrily but then Harry breaks out in a fit of giggles. Louis furrows his eyebrows.
"Oh God, did we just have a fight over dirty underwear? I love it! It's so domestic and normal." Harry grins.

Louis isn't amused at all, at least not until Harry breaks out in a simple smile. He looks so happy and cute at the same time and Louis's lips start to twitch and he can't hold back a smile. He shakes his head in amusement and chuckles lightly.
"I'll pick up my dirty underwear, okay?"

"Great, do some laundry when you at it." Harry grins.

"We could hire someone to do that for us, you know." Louis sighs.

"But where's the fun in that? Chop chop, I'll get the vacuum cleaner in the meantime." Harry smiles.

"Ugh, fine." Louis complies.

He reaches for his boxers in Harry's hand and kisses him at the same time.
"I love you."

"I love you too...slob! Harry smirks.

"Hey!" Louis protests and smack him on the arm with the boxers.

They spend the rest of the day cleaning and doing laundry.

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