19-29 of February, 2020

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19-25 of February

They have a few days off again. Louis has invited both their families to a late birthday surprise party to celebrate Harry's birthday and they all show up on Saturday. Harry is really happy to see them all and they have a lovely dinner together. Louis has ordered catering for the event so Harry wouldn't have to cook and no one wants to eat what he makes, except his husband, bless his heart.

Harry is really grateful and surprises him with tickets to a boxing match between Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder on the 22nd. They fly to the US the day before. It's a great match and they have a lot of fun.

Harry has to be in DC on the 24th anyway to do a tiny desk concert and Louis goes with him before he has to return to London for rehearsals. His tour is starting soon.

The virus has spread around the world and countries are closing their borders. Everything is uncertain.

Louis finds the February edition of the Rolling stone Magazine in the mail when he comes home. It's featuring his awesome husband so he immediately starts to flip the pages to find it. He laughs out loud when he sees the t-shirt Harry is wearing. He calls him right away.
"So I'm sitting here admiring my beautiful husband in the latest Rolling Stone Magazine." He starts off.

Harry giggles from the compliment.
"Is that a Swim deep t-shirt I see?" Louis asks amused.

"Yep, I'm happy as a larrie." Harry answers cheerfully.

"You know that our little detective fans will figure that out right?" Louis chuckles.

"That's kind of the point. Thought I would leave them a clue like you did when you teased them with Too Young and Defenceless." Harry answers amused.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Louis giggles.

"Sixteen and eighteen seconds long. What a coincidence." Harry smirks.

"Totally." Louis laughs.

"I have to go. Talk to you later." Harry sighs.

Harry's tiny desk concert goes great and afterward he calls Louis to tell him all about it but Louis can only talk for a short while because he's in the middle of rehearsals.

26-27 of February

On the 26th he flies to New York to be on the Today show and to shoot the music video for Falling. He and Louis have hardly talked in a couple of days due to time differences and crazy schedules. They both hate it but that's a part of being artists.

He often misses their One Direction days because even if they were closeted back then as well they were in a band together, which meant that they hardly spent any time apart. That would probably be hard on many relationships but he and Louis had gotten along since the start. They would never grow tired of each other. Well, he could only speak for himself but he knew that Louis felt the same. Spending that much time together had formed a strong bond between them. Harry felt like half a man without Louis by his side. Even if he was the one whining about it he knew that Louis felt the same way.

He once said years ago that he and Louis were like two kids that accidentally glued their fingers together, except that he seemed to have glued his heart with Louis'. Ten years later he still feels the same way.

After they went on a hiatus from the band and started their solo careers they came up with the two weeks rule. They would never under any circumstances spend more than two weeks apart at a time. They have managed to keep that promise.

28 of February

Today is an exciting day. Harry's new music video for Falling is released and he waits impatiently for the fan's reaction. He's really proud of the video and he really hopes that they will like it. He didn't have to worry. They love it! Louis calls quickly to congratulate him. He as well has been scrolling through Twitter to see the reactions to his husband's beautiful video. It's a work of art. He brags about it all day in rehearsals.

Later that day Harry has a secret session and interview with Sirius XM. He performs a couple of songs, including What makes you beautiful. He just loves that song, because it brings up so many fond memories. He and Louis fell in love during that time.

After the performance, he sits down for an interview to talk about his new album. Someone asks about the fish in his Adore you video.
"The fish uh...he is like...the fish is traveling right now. He's on a gap year and yeah, hopefully he'll come back safe. It's complicated, we're taking a little time apart."

Not voluntarily. They're both starting their tours soon. He has tried to match them so they can see each other in between but it's going to be tough. He's never been away from Louis that much.

But he's happy and proud of his husband. He's worked really hard on his debut album for so long and it turned out amazing. Louis has always been the lyricist in the group.

29 of February

Another secret session performance, this time with heart radio. It goes well. Harry is so grateful to be able to do what he loves the most. He's just bummed that he can't share it with the one he loves the most.

At least Louis is flying over so they can spend a couple of days together before he starts his tour. Harry can't wait to see him. He always gets moody and restless when they spend time apart, even if it's just a couple of days. Louis is up for some massive cuddles.

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