1-30 of April 2020

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1-4 of April

Harry does two radio interviews on the third and makes sure to mention that he's in Los Angeles with a couple of friends. He feels bad about lying but it's necessary for Louis's sake.

5 of April

Jeffrey calls in the morning.
"Hi, Harry. I need you to put a mask on and go to a specific location, I'll text you where, to get papped."

"Why?" Harry questions.

"To make it look like you're still in L.A. I found a surrounding that could easily look like somewhere in L.A." Jeffrey answers.

"That's ridiculous Jeff." Harry huffs.

"I know. Just humor me. Be there at ten, walk around for a while and wear a mask. I'm sorry Harry." Jeffrey says, sounding apologetic.

"You're making me do this? It's stupid!" Harry argues.

"Take it up with your old label. They demanded it." Jeffrey says, sounding tired.

Harry knows better than to fight with Syco so he gets dressed and drives to the location Jeffrey texted him. It does look like it could be somewhere in L.A. He gets out of the car and locks it behind him and puts a scarf over his mouth. He notices the paparazzi immediately and lets them take his photo before he heads back to his car to drive home to Louis again. Stupid stunt but Syco is all about damage control.

He has another interview with Olivia Jones for Total Access and closes the door behind him to the library and gets settled. It starts off as usual with some greetings and small talk.

All of a sudden he hears Clifford barking behind the closed door and his eyes grow wide. He pretends like nothing is happening but Olivia picks up on it.
"Oh, what's that? Do you got a wild animal in the house?"

Harry stares at the door. The handle is going up and down. Clifford is barking and apparently trying to get in the room. Where the hell is Louis?
"It's a dog. It's a dog, yeah."

Clifford somehow manages to open the door and comes running inside. Harry sway his hand at him in an effort to make him leave. A second later Louis comes rushing inside and tries to drag Clifford out of the room. It's chaos.
"It's a coyote Harry, run!" Olivia jokes.

"I don't know where it came from. It doesn't live here." Harry says, trying to save the situation.

Louis rolls his eyes at him and holds his laughter inside while he pulls the dog to the door.
"Clifford." He grunts and Harry's panicking.

Louis managed to get Clifford out of the room and closes the door behind them and Harry relaxes and continues the interview.

A couple of minutes later the interview is finished and he goes to find his husband. Louis bursts out laughing as soon as he sees him.
"I'm sorry! I had to take a dump."

"Not funny Louis! I didn't know what to say!" Harry huffs.

"Yeah I heard that. It doesn't live here! Seriously Hazza, you're such a bad liar when you're put under pressure. You could have just said it was a friend's dog or something." Louis cackles amused.

"Oh, that would have made more sense. I didn't think of that." Harry says and starts to laugh as well.

Clifford comes into the room and glares at Harry.
"Hey! Don't give me that look, Cliff. You know you can't be in the room with me when I'm doing an interview but I love you anyway." Harry smiles and scratches Clifford behind the ear.

"Let's take them for a walk." Louis suggests.

6 of April

"Oh my God Haz, Clifford is trending on Twitter!" Louis laughs and klicks the hashtag to see what people are writing.

He starts to giggle and Harry lays bedside him on the couch and they scroll through the tweets, laughing together at their awesome dog.

7-30 of April

They spend the rest of the month at home relaxing. Harry tries to learn Italian. They both write some music and Harry's stock of face masks never seems to run out.

Louis talks a lot to his lawyer. Getting out of his contract seems impossible but his lawyer isn't giving up and that's why they pay him the big bucks.

Another photo of Harry driving in L.A. is released. Jeffrey is really working his ass off to make it seem like Harry is in America. Harry feels sorry for him. Syco must give him a really hard time.

They're also trying to damage control Clifford barking in his interview and someone comes to pick up their dogs all of a sudden, driving them to Eleanor.

They have a lot of sex. A hell lot of sex everywhere in the house and even outside in the garden. It's like they're teenagers again and their sex life feels new and exciting.

They haven't spent this much time together in a long time and they both love it even if they wish that a pandemic, taking people's lives wasn't the reason behind it. They call their loved ones every day to check-in. So far everyone is healthy.

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