1-30 of June 2020

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1-5 of June.

Harry protests for two days before he flies back to London. Jeffrey calls to tell him that he's proud of him and that it's great that he's been photographed in L.A. and that Syco is pleased. Harry hates that Syco is pleased, totally overshadowing the reason he was in L.A. in the first place as long as they can use it to prove he's not with Louis. His husband for crying out loud!

He spends a couple of days at home, trying to avoid Louis in case he caught the virus but Louis won't hear of it.
"If you're getting sick, I'm getting sick. We're in this together darling." Louis says and hugs him tighter.

A couple of days later he relaxes. He didn't get sick.

6 of June

Louis drags Eleanor along to demonstrate in London after Syco calls and demands that he brings her with him. He gets photographed but couldn't care less. He's here to show his support. That's it.

7-12 of June

Once again they spend almost a week waiting for symptoms but it seems like Louis has managed to avoid the virus as well. 

They watch a lot of movies cuddled up in bed when Louis isn't on the phone with their lawyer. He has read his contract word by word and thinks that he can get him out of it. Louis tells Harry the good news and Harry cries a little from how happy that makes him. He makes a special dinner to celebrate.

13 of June

Harry can't stay inside any longer. It feels like he's going crazy. He drives into London just to see some people from a distance and goes for a long run to clear his mind. He gets papped and gets a phone call from Jeffrey when he gets home. Syco isn't happy.

14-19 of June

"Seriously Harry, I'm taking your credit card! What the hell have you bought?" Louis growls when he sees the load of packages that have arrived. 

"But we need this Lou!" Harry protests.

"Really? Well, let's see then. What is it that we need?" Louis chuckles and opens the first box and pulls out two Mexican sombreros.

He laughs.
"When, according to you, will we ever need this?" He asks and waves the hats in his hand.

"Uhm, I just thought they were kind of funny." Harry says with a sheepish smile. 

Louis puts the sombreros on their heads and Harry opens the next box.
"Oooo look at this! I thought we could try pottery. You know, like that movie with Patrick Swayze, Ghost." Harry grins.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Louis chuckles fondly.

They open the rest of the packages and then Harry convinces his husband that they should make a vase together and they try and fail at pottery but they have fun doing it.

They continue trying new things for a couple of days and they laugh a lot.

20 of June

"I got a present for you." Harry says looking really excited.

"Okay?" Louis loves presents so he's equally excited.

Harry hands him a paper and Louis furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He flips it over and starts to read. He gasps in surprise, still confused.
"You added a co-writer? Pending?" He looks up at Harry with curious eyes. What's his husband up to this time?

"Yeah, I'll change it to your name when I can but for now I put pending on the songs you helped me write on my first album, two ghosts, sweet creature, woman, and ever since New York." Harry smiles.

Louis gets really emotional and tries to wipe away the tears that spill over.
"You didn't have to do that Hazza."

"Of course I did sweetheart. I've been planning on putting your name there eventually but I didn't want to wait any longer." Harry smiles.

"So pending, what does it mean?" Louis asks.

"It means awaiting the decision of settlement or until something happens." Harry grins.

Louis gasps.
"That's fucking brilliant. Thank you!" He throws himself at Harry and cries and laughs at the same time.

Harry embraces him and nuzzles his nose in the crook of Louis's neck.
"Anything for you love." He says softly. 

21 of June

"What are you doing sliding into women's DM's?" Louis says with a smirk.

"What are you talking about?" Harry questions.

"Well, I'm reading the latest news. Apparently, let me quote, Harry Styles is sliding into ex Daisy Lowe's DM's trying to rekindle their romance after dating the model seven years ago." Louis reads out loud.

"Oh, for God's sake. What else?" Harry huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Harry Styles clearly has a big appetite when it comes to the ladies... oh." Louis stops reading and he doesn't look amused anymore.

"That sounds like Sycos doing." Harry sighs.

"Yeah, I'm sorry baby. It's not fair." Louis says softly and pulls him in for a cuddle.

"Yeah, whatever." Harry mutters.

22-30 of June

That article made Louis really fucking angry. Enough! He calls their lawyer, telling him to end his contract now and after they have a facetime their lawyer contacts Syco to take up the fight. They spend a week being nervous as hell. This could backfire.

Their lawyer finally calls at the end of June.
"It's done. They're sending papers for you to sign. I'm obviously gonna read them meticulously before you sign them but you're soon free from your label. Congratulations." Their lawyer says, sounding pleased.

"How?" Louis asks in shock.

"It's better you don't know. I had to play it dirty." Their lawyer sighs.

"Thank you! Just, thank you!" Louis says. He can't fucking believe it.

"You're welcome. Don't sign any contracts in the future whatsoever before I have read them, okay?" The lawyer chuckles.

"I promise!" Louis says.

As soon as they hang up Louis runs to the kitchen where Harry is preparing lunch and he throws himself in his arms and breaks down crying.
"I'm free Harry. I'm free!"

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