14-15 of February 2020

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14 of February

Louis feels guilty for neglecting Harry lately. He's been away almost every day and he has sloped steeply as soon as he comes home. He ordered a present months ago so at least that's taken care of.

Harry is still asleep so he opens his bedside drawer and takes out a small box. He tries his best to be quiet but Harry starts to stir as soon as he's not spooning him anymore. Harry rolls around to face him.
"Happy Valentine's day."

"Happy Valentine's day love. Here, I got you something." Louis says softly and hands Harry his present.

Harry smiles happily and eagerly opens the small present. His smile grows wider when he sees the Gucci ring inside.
"It's beautiful! Thank you, Lou!"

They cuddle for a while just having a lazy morning in bed.
"So I'm all healed now. Wanna give it a test drive?" Harry grins.

"A test...?" Louis bursts out laughing and Harry pouts.

"Of course baby. I'd love to. Are you sure that it's safe?" Louis wants to make sure.

"Yes!" Harry says excitedly and rolls to his back.

They climax a half-hour later and they are both a little emotional.
"That was perfect!" Harry pants out.

They take a long bubble bath together before Harry cooks them brunch and they sit down in the living room to eat and watch a romantic comedy.

Harry gives Louis his present after that. He named a star after him. He also bought him flowers and chocolate. Simple but effective.

Louis cooks them dinner, his famous chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapt in parma ham with a side of homemade mash. Harry keeps him company in the kitchen and lends a helping hand once in a while.

They have a candlelight dinner with a bottle of wine and when they're done Louis can hardly move.
"I'm stuffed!" He grunts.

"It was great. Thanks for cooking me dinner boobear. What do you say about some ice cream for dessert and another movie?" Harry suggests.

"That sounds like a great plan but I think we're out of ice cream." Louis answers.

"What? How can we be out of ice cream?" Harry screeches.

"You ate the last of it last time you watched the notebook." Louis chuckles.

"Oh, right. Well, I can go to the store quickly." Harry offers.

"You've been drinking." Louis points out.

"I can walk. It's not far. I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Harry says and gets up.

"You really want that ice cream, don't you?" Louis grins.

"Yep. I'm leaving you with the dishes." Harry smirks.

He gives his husband a quick kiss before he gets his wallet and phone and heads out. He walks fast to the 24-hour open gas station a few blocks away. Luckily they have his favorite ice cream.

He has only just left the gas station when he notices that someone is walking behind him. He crosses the street but the men behind him follow him. His heart is beating fast. He has a bad feeling about this.

"Hey, can we talk to you for a minute?" One of the men shouts. Harry looks around. The street is deserted.

"Sure." His heart is pounding but he turns around to face them and tries to look friendly.

"Do you smoke weed?" One of the men asks, eyeing him up and down.


"Do you want some weed?"

"No." Can't they just let him go?

"What have you got on you'?"

They gather around him and Harry looks between them. He's scared.
"I haven't got anything."

"Stop fucking around." One of the men growls. He looks angry.

"Have got some cash." Harry gulps and pulls out his wallet and empties it. One of the men snaps it from his hand.

"What's that plugged into?" One of the men asks and points at Harry's headphones.

"For god's sake, it's my phone." Harry takes it out. He's annoyed but he'll just wipe it and get a new one. It's not worth fighting over.

"Unlock your phone." One of the guys says and the one next to him pulls his shirt up and Harry's eyes grow wide when he sees a knife sticking in his pant waist. Shit!

"I'm sorry mate, I can't. I can't unlock my phone." Harry says apologetically.

"You've got ten seconds to unlock your phone. One, two, three..."

Harry is panicking. He can't unlock his phone. There are millions of pictures of him and Louis there and private text conversations, sexting. No. He tried to give him the headset instead but the guys just look angrier.
"I can't."

Harry sees two cars approaching and sees an opportunity. He runs out on the road, waving his arms and yelling for them to stop but they just pass him. He turns around and starts running back home.

He bursts into tears as soon as he's in the safety of his own home and Louis comes running into the hallway.
"What's wrong?"

"I got mugged. They had a knife." Harry manages to get out between sobs.

"Are you hurt?" Louis asks in a high-pitched voice. He's panicking.

Louis gets down on his knees and starts to search Harry for injuries.
"No. I got away but they took my phone and my money. I was so scared Lou." Harry sobs.

Louis takes him in his arms and presses kisses where ever he can reach.
"Thank God you're okay. You're safe now. Breathe love."

Harry just cries harder and clings to Louis. They sit there for a while until Harry has managed to calm down some. Louis gets up and swoops him up bridal style and carries him to the bedroom.
"But the ice cream..." Harry protests weakly.

"Leave it. I'll buy you more tomorrow." Louis promises.

He lays him down gently on the bed and climbs in and wraps his arms around him. Harry puts his head on Louis's chest and holds on tightly.

Harry falls asleep eventually but Louis stays awake for the rest of the night holding him closely. Just the thought that he could have lost his husband tonight brings tears to his eyes and he cries silently.

15 of February

When Harry opens his eyes the next morning he's met by two blue eyes staring at him worryingly.
"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay. You look tired Lou. Have you slept at all?" Harry says softly and caresses Louis's cheek lovingly.

"No." Louis answers and his eyes fill with tears.

"Hey, what's wrong sweetie?" Harry asks and opens his arms so he can comfort his husband.

"I could have lost you. They could have hurt you. You would be laying in the streets all helpless, bleeding out and I wouldn't have known." Louis sobs.

"But that didn't happen love. Have you been laying awake the whole night thinking about that? Why didn't you wake me up?" Harry says softly.

"You needed your sleep." Louis mumbles.

"I'm always here for you when you need me just like you were for me last night. I love you, Lou." Harry answers and hugs him tighter.

"I love you too. So much that I don't know what I would do without you." Louis sobs.

"Let's never find out." Harry answers emotionally.

They lay just like that until Louis calms down and stops crying.
"You need to call the police and disconnect your number, wipe the phone." Louis finally says.

"Yeah." Harry agrees.

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