1-30 of May 2020

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1 of May

"Come on, we're picking up the boys. She had them long enough." Louis says and grabs the car keys.

They head to his public house where Eleanor is staying and ring the doorbell. Their dogs come running, really happy to see them and they both get down on their knees to hug them.
"Hi, Louis. Harry." Eleanor greets.

They give her a silent greeting.
"Thanks for taking good care of them." Harry says.

"Of course. They're great dogs." Eleanor smiles.

"Yeah, thanks. We should get going." Louis answers.

"Wait, I would like to talk to you both, can you come inside for a while?" Eleanor says.

They follow her to the patio and sit down. Bruce finds some card boxes and starts to chew on them. Eleanor laughs and pulls out her phone to film him. Harry's leg is seen in the frame as well but she doesn't seem to care. She puts her cellphone down after a while.
"So what do you want to talk to us about?" Harry asks impatiently. Louis fake girlfriends aren't really his favorite.

"Right, ehm, your One Direction contract with Syco ends in a couple of months. Are you finally coming out after that?" She asks and bites her lower lip.

"Why? Are you nervous about losing your livelihood?" Louis snorts.

"No. I was young and stupid when I signed that contract Louis. I want this to end. I'm getting older. I would like to find someone to share my life with, have children, you know." Eleanor says, sounding upset.

Harry and Louis exchange a look.
"Oh. Yeah, I guess posing as my girlfriend kind of makes that hard." Louis says apologetically.

"Kind of." Eleanor smiles.

"Well...as soon as our contract ends I'm breaking up with you. Okay?" Louis says.

Eleanor sighs.
"My contract ends in September."

"Okay, we'll break up after that. Syco can't say anything about it even if my One Direction contract doesn't end until December " Louis says.

"Great!" Eleanor beams.

They get the dogs and head back home.

2-9 of May

They're back to their new old routine.
They're starting to look like two hobos letting their hair and beard grow. Louis misses Harry's long hair so he's only encouraging it. Harry looks good in anything but that long hair drove him wild. He was so damn sexy!

They talk a lot with Niall and Liam, considering they have a ten-year anniversary as One Direction in a few months. They talk about memories and how old they are. They all agreed a long time ago that they wouldn't put the band back together as long as they were tied to Syco. Now the day when they finally will be free at last is fastly arriving and they're all excited for the future. It feels good to catch up and they're all happy to talk to each other even if they miss Zayn. He'll always be a part of the band.

10 of May

Harry's music video for Watermelon sugar is finally released and they read the comments to see how the fans receive it.
"Okay, your Harries are convinced that this is you showing them how much you love girls and that the song is about eating pussy." Louis smirks.

Harry looks baffled.
"Why? Oh God, no!"

"Well, our Larries on the other hand sees the video as their favorite gay hanging with his girlfriends on the beach, as in friends and they have already uncovered the meaning of the song so..." Louis chuckles.

Harry grins amused.
"It's such a dirty song Haz! Really fucking dirty!" Louis giggles.

"Says the man who wrote No control." Harry laughs.

"Guilty! But you wrote medicine so..." Louis winks.

"Yeah, can't argue with that." Harry smirks.

11-19 of May

They are getting bored. That means that Louis is grumpy and Harry is ordering way too much on the Internet.

Harry decides that they need to go outside so he drags Louis to the car, takes the dogs with them, and drives them to a nearby forest. He has brought a picnic basket and they spend the whole day outside. It's just what they need.

20 of May

"No way! They actually figured it out! They're incredible!" Harry shouts excitedly and comes running to the living room with the laptop in his hand.

He throws himself down on the couch next to Louis.
"What are you talking about?" Louis asks.

"Louis the fish! They made the connection!" Harry grins.

"Really?" Louis questions, looking surprised.

"Yes, look here. It's all over Tumblr." Harry grins and shows him the computer screen.

"They're good." Louis smiles.

"Best fans in the world." Harry beams.

"I don't know why you had to turn me into a fish though." Louis snorts.

"It's a cute fish!" Harry grins and Louis rolls his eyes fondly.

21-24 of May

They're getting really good at sign language. Harry's struggling with the Italian but it's fun!

They trying to get through the days. They love spending time together but they're used to a life in the spotlight. They're used to be able to travel whenever they want and do whatever they want, except being seen together in public. The perks of having enough money to be able to do everything they ever dreamt of and they both would give everything away in a heartbeat if they could go back in time and not sign with Syco. Career-wise it had been a good choice, even if they had worked until they dropped. For them, as a couple, it had been the worst decision ever.

25 of May

"Oh my God Lou. Look at this." Harry says with teary eyes.

He shows him a video clip that has just been uploaded online about police brutality against a back man named George Floyd.
"That's horrible!" Louis says, equally affected.

"This has to stop! I'm donating money. That's the least I can do." Harry says with a trembling voice.

"We're donation money love." Louis answers and hugs his husband to comfort him.

26 of May

"This is hilarious sweetie. Come look. Roman is really messing things up." Louis chuckles.

Harry drags himself from the update online about Black lives matter to look at the clip. He laughs.
"Louis Styles huh? I like it!"

"Too bad you're already a Tomlinson." Louis winks.

27-30 of May

They both follow the news and everything that's happening after Floyd's death.
"We both have to use our platforms and I want to protest." Harry says upset.

"Of course baby." Louis agrees.

There's going to be a demonstration in L.A. in two days. I'm going." Harry states.

Louis stares at him for a second before he sighs.
"Yeah, of course, love. I wish I could go with you but you know...I'll protest here. Just...be careful! Wear a mask all the time. Try to keep a distance. Don't you dare get Corona!" He argues upset.

"I'll be careful Boo. Love you."

"Love you more." Louis answers.

Harry takes a private flight later that day.

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