1-9 of March 2020

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1 of March

Louis arrives at Harry's hotel late on the first day of March. There's a knock on his door and Harry runs to open it. As soon as he sees his husband he breaks out in a breathtaking smile and jumps him and wraps his legs around him. Louis laughs softly and does his best to hold on.
"I missed you too darling."

They start to make out right in the hallway and twenty minutes later they blow each other on the carpet. Afterward, they just lay there panting and Louis turns his head to the side to look at the love of his life.
"We didn't even make it to the bed Hazza. Hi!"

"Oops!" Harry grins. "Hi, I'm so happy you're here. I missed you so much!"

They get up from the floor and pull their pants back up. They head to the bed and Louis drags his suitcase along.
"How have rehearsals been?" Harry asks.

"Great! I'm so ready for this tour but I don't know if I will be able to actually perform. The Corona pandemic is spreading." Louis says and looks sad and worried.

"Yeah, my management are discussing whether we should postpone my tour or not." Harry answers.

"Yeah, so you have that Sirius XM interview you have to attend tomorrow, right?" Louis asks.

"Yep, oh wait, I have to show you what I'm wearing!" Harry says excitedly and hurries over to his suitcase.

He holds up a pair of trousers and a pullover with a grin. Louis raises an eyebrow.
"That's really green and really blue."

"Yes, our colors!" Harry grins proudly.

"I know that, and so do our fans." Louis chuckles amused and Harry winks at him before he puts the items back in his suitcase.

"So, you also have that CBC radio interview on the 4th, but that's over the phone right?" Louis continues.

"Yes, what are you getting at?" Harry asks curiously.

"Do you have any other obligations in the next couple of days?" Louis asks, dragging it out.

"No, I want to spend as much time with you before your tour starts." Harry pouts.

"What do you say about spending some quality time together in the West Indies ?" Louis grins.

Harry's eyes grow wide from surprise.
"That sounds amazing! Where?"

"Mustique." Louis informs him, equally excited.

Harry throws himself at him for a second time since Louis stepped inside his hotel room.

2-8 of March

They start their vacation as soon as Harry is done with his interview. They take a private plane to Argyle and a ferry takes them to the island.

Louis has rented David Bowie's old home, and Indonesian-style Mandalay, and Harry is beaming.
"You're spoiling me, Lou!"

"Of course love." Louis answers fondly. The house costs 150 000 dollars to rent for a week but Harry doesn't have to know that and it's not like they can't afford it.

They spend five days surfing, snorkeling, and sunbathing and they have the time of their lives.

The days go by fast and Louis has to get back for his first show in Barcelona.
"I wish I could be there Lou." Harry sighs and looks sad.

"Me too, but there's nowhere for you to hide. It's just a club." Louis answers softly and kisses him.

"I don't understand why Simon wouldn't book you on the big arenas. You would sell a full house!" Harry complains.

"Well, then you could be there too and he doesn't want that. Some things are more important than money." Louis smirks but he looks sad as well.

"Do you want me to go with you to Barcelona anyway?" Harry asks and wraps his arms around Louis's neck.

"I don't want you to hide out in a hotel by yourself. Stay here a couple of extra days. You deserve the vacation sweetie." Louis answers softly.

"Yeah, okay, but I'll move into that hotel, The cotton house. I don't want to stay in this house by myself. This is our place." Harry smiles.

Harry follows him to the ferry to say goodbye. They will see each other again in four days when he's coming to Madrid to attend Louis concert there.

Harry rents a room at the hotel feeling down. He's already regretting the decision to stay behind but he knows he has a tendency to be clingy and that's not an attractive quality. He just wants to be around Louis all the time. He loves everything about him and he's his person, his world.

He spends the rest of his vacation drinking and bathing.

9 of March

Louis spends a day in London before he flies to Spain and his first concert on his world tour. He's buzzing with excitement. He had to fight hard to make this happen.

He's in place two hours before the concert starts and does a soundcheck. He's nervous. Soon Razzmatazz is packed and he gets on stage. After a few songs, he's in his right element and the audience knows every word to his new songs. That's crazy.

Halfway through the setlist, he has a special surprise in store, a cover of Catfish and The bottlemens song 7. The band starts to play and he smirks before he sings the first line in the song.
"Larry, call a load of smoke in"

Half the audience screams out loud. Well hello, there Larries. He sings the rest of the song. Before he knows it the concert is over. It has been such an amazing night. A perfect kick-off of his tour. The only thing that's missing is his beloved husband.

He calls him as soon as the show is over to tell him everything about it. They talk for an hour and Harry tells him how proud he is of him and how much he wishes that he could have been there to see it. Louis wishes he could have been there as well but at least he'll be on the next show in Madrid.

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