Chapter Four

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At work the next morning my head was in a complete spin, and I just couldn't concentrate. Already I had put the towels in the glasswasher and dropped the tray of cutlery I'd spent the last hour polishing, causing an explosion of sound to erupt and almost giving poor Alfie a heart attack in the process, but I just couldn't get my thoughts away from what Tom had offered me last night. An actual holiday...abroad. And away from Nathan's pestering. The thought of going away for ten days and switching my phone off, blocking out all contact, sounded like utter bliss.

Maybe it was doable... I mean, I haven't used up any of my holiday allowance this year and I'm sure Alfie could hold down the fort while I was away.

But going on holiday with people I didn't know... What if we have nothing in common and I spend the whole time on my own?

But it's snowboarding in France. I've always wanted to go snowboarding in France...

'Earth to Emma. Mary asked you for a latte,' Alfie calls to me from the kitchen hatch and I hastily make my way to the coffee machine and start steaming some milk, apologising to her as I go.

There's no denying it, I'd love to be away from this town, even if it was for only a few days but for some reason this little niggle in the base of my neck is starting to doubt the likelihood of it all. I mean, if I did decide to go on the trip then I'd have to ask Alfie for time off and I'm not sure it's feasible at such short notice. It was already nearing the peak season of summer; we were starting to get really busy, and I'd hate to let him down. That settles it, I'll just tell Tom tonight that I can't go.

God, I hate that I've become such an overthinker. I never used to be this way.

The bell on the door chimes to alert me of new customers entering the café and I call over my shoulder to tell them that I wouldn't be long.

'That's cool. We can wait.'

My heart drops at the recognition of the voice and I turn around too fast, spraying hot milk all over myself and find Tom and Jamie standing at the counter, both of them grinning devilishly at my misdemeanour.

'Shit!' I yelp, as burning milk pours down my face.

'Hey M&M. Nice to see you're as clumsy as ever,' Jamie remarks with a friendly laugh and I use the corner of my apron to dry myself off, risking a sneaky glance at him from behind the folds of fabric so I could check him out without Tom noticing.

It's been years since I've seen Jamie and I was happy to note that not too much had changed. I'd hoped it wouldn't. He was still as beautiful as ever, painfully so, but then someone as handsome as him was never going to lose his looks. He was more tanned than before but that was undoubtedly from his time in Oz and his curly brown hair that usually resembled the colour of chestnuts was streaked blonde with natural sunlight. His hazel eyes I was so accustomed to were currently boring into mine and I find myself smiling shyly back at him.

It was so bizarre to see him and Tom standing side by side again and as I look at them, I find myself yearning for our weekends spent in our den, climbing trees and seeing how high we could get our swing to go.

'Jamie, hi. It's good to see you.' I blush. 'Er, do you mind bearing with me for a moment? I've just got to finish this...'

I pour what was left of the milk into the mug with shaking hands, hastily chucking a few loose cubes of sugar onto the saucer and take it over to Mary, stalling for time as I use the mirror hanging up on the wall behind her to make sure there wasn't any remnants of it left on my face.

'There's a tiny bit under your right eye sweetheart, do you want me to get it for you?' she offers quietly, her eyes straying to the boys I'd left at the counter and back to me again with a kind smile.

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