Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I float on cloud nine the whole way back to the chalet. Well, figuratively, not literally. In reality, Jamie and I had had to fight our way through the torrents of wind and snow and now we were both frozen right through but it didn't matter, because he'd kissed me and it was the most magical moment of my life. It had been perfect just as I knew it would be because it was with the most perfect guy.

I'm so ecstatically happy that I want to burst through this door, march right up to Tom and declare, in no uncertain terms, exactly how I feel about Jamie. I want to tell him that he has no say in my love life and that I'm going to pursue this whether he likes it or not. Hey, if he came home one day and told me he was in love with my best friend I'd be happy for him!


Or you know, maybe I wouldn't be but that's beside the point... I mean he's probably going to be really angry with us for going behind his back and then we'll end up ruining his holiday. The holiday that he invited me to so that he could make me happy again.

You know what, I don't think now is the time to tell Tom... I might wait until he's gone back to Manchester! At least that way if he does get angry with me I'll be five hours away from him. Yeah...I'll tell him when he's back in Manchester.

'Jamie...' I grab his hand, stopping him from opening the front door and he looks down at me expectantly. 'Would you mind if we don't tell Tom about this? It's not that I don't want to,' I urge after his eyes grow wide. 'It's just that I don't want to upset him.'

I'm worried I might have offended him but I do see a flicker of relief as he turns to me with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. 'I was actually thinking the same thing. I don't feel comfortable keeping it from him though.'

'Me either! But I don't think he's going to be happy about this and we have to live with him for another three days.'

'So you're telling me you want to keep me as your dirty little secret?'

'Something like that.'

Jamie grabs me by the hips and pushes me back against the wall, stepping forward until his body was flush with mine. We were only inches away from the window and I panic when I see a shadow pass on the other side.

'Jay! Stop or we'll get caught!'

'I don't think I can,' he moans and slams his mouth against mine, his tongue dancing with my own and suddenly I didn't care who was watching. Hell, send out the whole friggen Eastern Hemisphere, I wouldn't notice them anyway.

Actually, maybe that wasn't entirely true because when the figure reappears at the window I duck to the side, leaving Jamie to drop his head to his hands and groan in frustration. 'You're going to kill me M&M, do you know that?!'

Giggling coyly, I push him towards the door and glance once more at the figure in the window. Clearly whoever it is was pacing back and forth...

Oh, God!

'We need to get inside, now!' I demand, hauling him in front of me so I can use him as a human shield in case Tom is as mad as I think he might be.

He takes a moment to appraise me before opening the door. 'I like it when you're assertive...' he mutters suggestively before stepping aside to usher me though and when I pass him I feel a pat on the bottom and I narrow my eyes at him in warning.

'Sorry about that,' he leans forward to whisper tauntingly in my ear. 'There was a bit of excess snow there, just thought I'd help you out.'

'Sure you did...!' I reply through gritted teeth.

'Where the hell have you two been?!' Tom calls furiously from in front of the window and I wince at the volume of his voice, trying my best to avoid looking around the room at all of his friend's faces.

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